Chapter 2

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"I would love to join your team!" I say.

"Great! After Mira comes back with the stamp I can introduce you to the team!" Sofia says pushing her bangs out of her face.

I notice her outfit. She wears a really cute dark purple crop top, black shorts, and black boots.

 She wears a really cute dark purple crop top, black shorts, and black boots

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Mira is walking back to us with the stamp and she puts it on my arm.

"Thank you!" I say

"Bye Mira!" Sofia says, "Hey Erza, Natsu, Gray, Lucy!" She shouts, takes my hand and runs over to a group of people.

I look at them and see the boy that was once half naked fully clothed. There is a girl with scarlet red hair, one with blond hair, a boy with pink hair, and the now fully clothed boy with dark blue hair. Oh and there is a blue cat and a white cat next to them.

"Hey guys! I would like you to meet (y/n)!" Sofia says.

"Hi my name is Lucy!" The girl with the blond hair says.

"Im Erza." Says the girl with the scarlet hair.

"This is Gray." Lucy says pointing to the boy with the dark blue hair and fully clothed body.

"And this is Natsu!" Sofia says going to hug him

"I wonder what shade of pink their baby's hair will have? Hot pink or light pink?" Gray says jokingly.

"Hey! You know she's going to have light pink hair!" Sofia says back.

"How do you know it's going to be a girl?" Natsu says kissing her forehead.

"Hey (y/n) what magic do you use?" Natsu asks.

"I use the element warp magic." I say

"Oh I have heard of that magic. Isn't  it a lost magic?" Gray asks.

"Yeah. I can control any element and use its power." I reply.

"Wow thats so cool!" Lucy says.

"What magic do you guys use?" I ask

"I use celestial magic." Lucy says.

"I am a fire type Dragon slayer." Natsu says.

"I am a Ice type Dragon slayer." Sofia says still hugging Natsu.

"I use ice make magic." Gray says with a really cute smile on his face.

"I use requip magic" Erza says.

"Oh and I totally forgot!" Sofia says breaking away from Natsu. "This is Yuki and Happy!"

She points to a white and a blue cat.

"Yuki is my exceed and Happy is Natsu's exceed!" Sofia says.

"Yuki is my exceed and Happy is Natsu's exceed!" Sofia says

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"Hello! I am Yuki!" Yuki says.

"You can talk?" I say surprised.

"AYE! We both can!" Happy says.

"Wow thats so cool!" I say.

"Soo can (y/n) join our team? PLEASE!!" Sofia begs.

"Sure!" Erza says.

"YAY!" Me and Sofia say together jumping up and down.

"Why don't you two go pick us a mission." Gray says.

"Make it a good one!" Natsu says.

"Ok we will!" Sofia says.

We walk to a board with  bunch of jobs on it.

"Do you like gray?" Sofia says into my ear.

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