Chapter 1. New Mask

Start from the beginning

"You sure suprised me when you didn't answer me for a moment..."

"Sorry, Allen..."


"Allen... Hey! We are close to Rhode now!! You will be soon visited by her!"

"Please no..."

"Please yes! I can tell you she is very excited to see you after so many years. So when she comes, talk with her. She is your family now."

"If you say so..."

"If you think about the Innocence and tho Noahs Killing Instict, seems like when we became the Earl of Millennium, the hatred over Innocence vanished from other Noah Genes. Like, that your Parasitic Innocence in your arm you are found of, turned Earl's hatred to Innocence away because it's part of you... Or that was what Tyki told me when we met and I asked about the Earl..."

"You sure?"

"Yes. Okay. I will go now. Try to get better soon."


As the mind link was closed, Allen got better look around himself. He was in the middle of city in Italy. Now he have to go and change his and his new brother's names.

///Few + minutes + later///

"Alleeenn!!!!" Shout was heard in the middle of his thoughts as he suddenly stiffs. 'Rhode!'

He turns around only to be knocked down by figure of little girl with deep purple hair.

Rhode tackled Allen to the ground, hugging him.


"Ahahaa!!" Another voice was heard. It seems like Nea and Tyki followed Rhode through her dimensional doors.

"Rhode. Can you please get off of me."

"Sure, Allen!"

As Allen got up, he took a good look of his new companions.

"So Allen. You did that already?"

"No. I was just going to do it before I was tackled down by over-excited Rhode."

"Nuuu. Allen. I am your sister now. And others are your brothers or uncles."

"So. What were you going to do? You said you were going to somewhere, but where?"

"I and Nea have decided to change our names. I am known as Traitor by my old name, and Nea just got his own body back."

"Why won't we all change our names to sync with yours?"

"Maybe. But then you have to be our cousins. And we all don't have parents alive."

"That is understandable. So. What we are going by?"

"We thought of D. Campbell... Byt your surname can be different."

"Oh! I got great one!!"

"What is it?"

"Let's say that our mother is originally from Camelot -bloodline and married one sibling from D. Campbell -bloodline and your father is D. Campbell that married some other from different bloodline. It will be possible enough for us to be called cousins that live along after our parents died or murdered."

"That is great one, Rhode!"

"Of course it is!"

"Let's go and do this. The other Noahs can be the other cousins that went missing but we found them."

"That is good cover."

"Hey! Just go and do it already!!"


///Few + hours + later///

"Now it's done!!" Tyki exclaims and falls to his seat.

"Oh gosh it was irritating!!" Nea exclaims and takes a sip from his drink.

"You are right." Tyki agrees.

"Hey get over it! At least we got money! Who knew that D. Campbell and Camelot bloodlines were so rich and got a lot of money!" Rhode exclaims happily, tired of the irritated looks of her now legal brother and cousin.

"So why not buy a mansion?" The Portuguese man says 'in-matter-of-fact' -tone.

"I agree with you...But Allen..." Nea says worriedly and turns towards the mentioned boy sitting next to him.

"Owg! I awn owkay it at! Won't howwy!" Allen said, mouth full of food he was eating.(*Oh! I am okay with that! Don't worry!*)

Right. They were now eating in restaurant after they successfully got their new papers and money.

"So let's go! I want to decorate my room already!"

"Right, right... Nea! Be with Allen! We will be going to get you later!!"

"Okay, Tyki!!"

"Take care!" Allen said after he swallowed the food he was eating.

"We will..." With that, Tyki and Rhode were off. Nea and Allen were now together, Nea making notes for new melody he was creating for the mansion and the Ark gates to be made and possible rooms to Ark besides the Heart of Ark, the control room with white piano in the middle. Allen continued his lunch. He didn't need to eat amount of food as an army, because he was now immortal, what meant that his lifespan wouldn't be affected anymore by his parasitic innocence, or the Heart Innocence. He eats his favourite, Mitarashi Dangos. Immortality doesn't mean that he couldn't eat lot of his favourite. He still has that "Black hole of stomach."

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1227 words.

Will be available in New Teacher soon.


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