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Hola amigo's! (lol I'm not really Hispanic)


{{Heheheheheh.... I added a picture of mine (A/N: yes I drew that) just to try and make this more interesting lmao}}


So I guess as the founder I'd better add a part in this story right? Yeah sure, okay then.


So on this account, you most likely know me by Shadestar, but my personal account is AnimeWarriorLover , where I am known as AWL


Hmm... I really don't know what to put here.... lemme look at what the others have....

((A/N: I had to find a way to make this part longer didn't I?))

~10 minutes later~

Ah! So I gotta give you some facts about me? Well that's a waste of time if I already have all that shit in my personal profile's bio, but I guess I gotta do that again!


~Well, the number one thing about me that you'll all grow used to is my obsession with Hollywood Undead. I often reference them with quotes and or just in general, so GET USED TO IT!

~Another thing is that I am a fan of the animes Fairy Tail and InuYasha. Oh yeah. "Get some, yeah get your di—" we'll stop that quote right there... heh... heh... *sweat drops*

~I guess another obvious thing is that I'm a Warriors fan like everyone else here. (A/N DUH! SO STUPID ANIME! WHY?!)

~Well... hmm... I like to roleplay... so hit me up on my personal account if you need a role-play buddy... ayyy!

~Did I mention I'm Hollywood Undead obsessed? Oh, yeah I did. Well hmm....

~Well I play basketball for Junior Varsity (A/N: kill me)

~I also have a habit of swearing. So just try and ignore it. XD


I think that's about all I can think of... if you guys have any more questions for me then I guess just leave a comment. *shrugs*

Well it was SO MUCH FUN typing all this out! (A/N: WASTE OF TIME!)

I hope you enjoyed the other author's parts better than mine since I half-assed this. XD


{I'm just waiting for every admin to comment a million things just to annoy me lmao}




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