Chapter Seven

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Newt kept tickling the Niffler. I just laughed at the muggle looking at the Nifflers pouch being emptied.

Some more people came down from the sound of the bell with guns in their hands.

"No don't shoot!" The muggle yelled. We all grabbed and disapparate into a street next to the bank.

"For the last time, you pilfering pest, paws off of what's not yours!" Newt said to the Niffler while putting it back into his case. I didn't realize much Newt had grown up since the last time I had seen him. "Awfully sorry about that-." He says.

"What the hell was that?"

"Nothing that need concern you. Now unfortunately you have seen far to much." Newt grabbed his wand. "If you wouldn't mind, if you just stand there this will be over in a jiffy." He's going to wipe his memory.

Suddenly he takes the opportunity to swing the case at Newt and pushes me over whilst dashing away. He helps me up. "You alright Alex?"

"Yeah." I brushed myself off. Our small talk was interrupted by Tina. "Who are you?" Tina demanded.

"I'm sorry?"

"Who are you? Tina repeats annoyed. Very. I rolled my eyes.

"Newt Scamander. Are you are?" Newt replies. I sighed and looked down at my feet. All Tina wants to do is bring someone to the president of MACUSA. Tina lost her job of being an Auror due to an incident. I try to help her sometimes, but she's really trying. I can't do it anymore.

"No Tina you-" she quickly interrupted me.

"What's in your case?" She asks firmly once again. "That would be my Niffler." Newt try's to point out that she still has mustard smeared on her lips. She interrupts him.

"You could not of chosen a worse time to let that creature loose! We're in the middle of a situation here! I'm taking you in." Tina had explained to Newt. Oh god here we go again.


"Don't." She said quietly to me. Tina pulled out her ID card. "Oh you work of MACUSA? Your an investigator?" Newt questions her. She ignores him.

"Please tell me you took care of the No-Maj?" He looked confused. "Muggles." He understands me. "This is a section 3A Mr. Scamander. I'm taking you in." I'm not even going to question her. I gave Newt the sorry look. Tina grabs new and I as we disapparate.

Oh lord.

ok so this was boring really. but I'm happy I made it to the movie parts. YAYAYAYAYAY!

I saw fbawtft again for a second time today in a week. Haha.

-Corinne xx

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