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Hi guys, it's been a hot minute. I recently made my way back to this fanfic to see how it was doing and... wow. I'm surprised to be honest, I cringe every time I read it.

I was 13 when I wrote this, and I started writing it the DAY AFTER the movie came out. To be fair, I was obsessed.

There are points in this story that I have to put down and laugh at myself.

I'm turning 19 on the 13th, and I kind of feel like rewriting this story and see where it goes. A lot of people seem to like it, so I thought why not give it a try. It will be the same.. just with the writing of a college English major.

I also have covid so it will give me something to do lol.

A few parts of the story will probably change just to make the story more logical because most of the story, well... isn't. Especially when Alex just casually says she got expelled. I'm most definitely cutting that part out LMAO.

I did some research, and the name "Alexandra (aka Alex)" was barely used. I want to stick to the time period, so I may find something similar or completely different. The plot shall remain somewhat the same because it follows the plot line of the movie. However, I do think that the origin story might be a little different from the original. Just to help things make more sense!

Hopefully it won't take long and I hope you all enjoy, if there are still people here reading this, haha.

Thanks :))

Corinne <3

update: the first chapter of the rewrite is now up on my page!! check it out :))

Ocean Eyes ❁ Newt Scamanderजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें