Setting of and settling in

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The above picture is how Cade looks. Its actually a picture of amber heard if you want more pics😘 ok enjoy!!

Chapter 1

Cade's POV

"Good bye Cade we love you. Get some good pictures for us in Ireland!"

"I will mom I love you both!"

"Are you nervous sweetie?"

"Just a little dad but I'm mostly excited I can't wait to see the old castles and war towers and mountains and city's. It'll be beautiful."

"Promise you'll call us everyday."

"I promise. Now I need to go or I'll miss my flight."

"Ok baby girl one last group hug."

We all gave each other one big hug and I started toward security. I was quite nervous,leaving the country to move to Ireland this was gonna be so amazing. I have such mixed emotions right now. When I got on the flight I found my seat and made sure all my electronic things were shut off.

"Welcome to Ireland airlines I hope you enjoy your flight incase of an emergency the exits are on the left and right of the plane here and here blah blah blah blah blah blah." And I slowly drifted of to sleep.


The next thing I herd was,

"..and I hope you enjoy your stay here in Dublin."

Everyone started to get of the plane and when I got off I first went to the little girls room and then to get my bags. After I got my bags I stepped outside and smelled the fresh morning air. I took a big breath in,

"I'm gonna love it here!"I thought to myself. I called a taxi and told him the address of the place I was staying. I had found an offer online of someone that wanted a roommate I contacted a boy by the name of Niall Horan. And now that was where I was heading. When we pulled up to a massive apartment building after a 30 minute drive I asked the driver if we where in the right place.

"Yep I'm sure. Have a good day my lady." Everyone's accents were fascinating to me because I'm from America so I don't have an accent. I walked into the building and to the elevator. He told me to go to floor 105 but he never said a room number. I'll just call him when I get there. The elevator rose higher and higher. When the doors opened I saw the most beautiful penthouse I hade ever seen. When I stepped out of the lift  I was greeted by a nice gentleman in a black suit and a bow tie.

"You must be Cade Evens. Niall told me to wait here for you." He reached his hand out to shake mine and I did.

"Thanks yes I'm Cade. This house is absolutely stunning. Do you live here?"

"Yes I live down in the servants quarters. I'll call Niall down to see you." He pressed a button on the wall and began to speak,

"Sir miss cade evens is here."

"Yay I'm coming."

I walked over to a giant window and looked out.

"The view is stunning from up here."
Suddenly I turned around and the boy who I assumed to be Niall stood there.

"Wow the view from right here is stunning as well!" And I blushed at that comment. "Come on with me I'll show you your room."

"Great let me get my bags and be right there."

"No, Roger can get your bags come with me. Roger get her bags please and bring them to her room."

"Yes sir!"

We walked up a big flight of stairs and he took me to my room. When he opened the door I saw a massive room with a huge king sized bed an enormous dresser and closet. There was also a huge attached bathroom and in it was a big shower and tub and a double vanity. To the other side of the big room was a porch and the view was picture perfect.

"Wow I gotta get my camera!" I said digging through my bag.

"What're ya doing?" Said the blonde boy.

" getting my camera. This view is wonderful. I actually have a degree in photography and that's why I moved to Ireland to take pictures of it. It's really beautiful here."

"Wow that's cool! I love taking pictures but I usually just use my iPhone 7 + but this camera is really nice."

"Thanks my parents saved up since the day I left for college and on my birthday when I got home they bought me this. I love it !"

"Awesome! Well I'll let you get settled and I'll see you at dinner. Roger will come get you when it's ready."

"Thanks Niall."

"Sure thing cutie." Man he sure was a romantic guy. I decided to take a shower and when I was done I put on some leggings and a teeshirt that had the Irish flag on it. Then I here a knock at the door.

"Dinner is served miss."

"Thanks. And also you can call me Cade ."

"Alright miss er ah Cade see you at dinner."

I didn't really know if what I was wearing was appropriate for dinner so I figured I'd go ask Niall, he would know. I knocked on his bedroom door and a few seconds later he opened it up. He was wearing grey sweatpants and no shirt. And I think he caught me staring.

"Like what you see love?"

I bit my lip

"Lets go eat I'm starving."said Niall walking past me. Well I guess that answers my question about my attire. We booth walk down do the dining room and sit down.

"Your grilled cheese sir."he set a plate of grilled cheese in front of Niall. And then one In front of me.

"Grilled cheese?"I questioned

"It's his favorite." Said roger

"Thanks Roge."said Niall
We silently ate for a bit but I had a question for Niall

"Hey Niall?"

"Yeth." He looked up from his food and swallowed

"Um...why did you call me cutie earlier?"

"Cuz your a cutie."

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