33. Jimie poo is back at you boo

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IT DOESN'T KILL TO INTERACT(vote,comment,follow). Just so you know....XD. I just NEED to know if you like it. U happy? Me happy. U NOT happy? Me happy anyway(sorry).

But I still love you guys no matter what...xoxo. dont hate me.

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Trev sat to the other side of me. We decided on watching civil war. These guys teamed up again. It's really hard for me to choose between captain and iron. But honestly, nothing can beat Tony's sarcasm.


So even though we saw this movie before, here we sit, as if it is our first time. Mal is obsessed with spider man. And I don't really get the deal.

I mean, he is not Robert Downey Jr for god's sake!

I felt Chase's hand slip to my waist beneath the blanket making my eyes go wide. I quickly scanned the room, and everyone were indulged in the movie. Trev sitting cluelessly by my side.

I turned to Chase glaring at him trying to wiggle out of his hand only for him to smile innocently.

"Sit still Jam! Don't move the blanket." Trev hushly yelled.

"Sorry. Okay.." I could mutter.

My cheeks were warm with Chase's stupid stunt. He tightened his grip on my waist and my grip on the popcorn bowl tightened. I knew I was flustered AF right now.

What is he UP TO? Bloody son of a...

I kept glaring at him and nudged him in his ribs making him slightly wince , but not for long. He smirked back and slowly started moving his hand upwards reaching my arm making me inhale sharply.

What is this? Some new kind of entertainment to him? Frustrate Jamie sexually.

That came out stronger than the situation is. Gosh...

I mean, it is undeniable that I am attracted to him, and he knows that. And from the way he steals glances and reacts to my touches, he is attracted to me too.

I think.

I smirk at the idea forming in my master evil mind. Two can play the game Mr Williams.

He raised his brow at my sudden smirk while I slowly kept my hand on his chest beneath the sheets leaving the popcorn bowl.

His smirk faltered and his body got rigid. I smirked with a glint and started slowly tracing his ribs going down till the tip of his shirt.

It's his turn to take a sharp intake now. I don't know from where I am getting this courage , but the next thing I know, is I am touching his skin under his shirt.

This time even my breath hitched. His skin is so soft yet his muscles are taut and toned. His grip on the blanket tightened and he was looking at me with an emotion that flipped my heart.

I slowly removed my hand and placed it back on the blanket and he loosened his grip on my waist. I caught Scott staring at both of us with sceptical eyes and I immediately turned away blushing.

The movie almost came to an end and none of us said a word . Just a few glances here and there and would turn away blushing. Yes, even Mr player eye candy Williams also turned pink at a point making me wanna say 'awwww'.

He started tracing my arm making a shiver run down my spine.
"We need to talk." He whispered near my ear and I agreed instantly.

"Now.." he said making my eyes go wide. I started seeing around the place as to show him everyone is still around us, we are not alone, and they dint magically disappear.

He rolled his eyes and said." I don't care."

"What about Blake?"

"Leave that to me."

Then he got up pulling me along. Trev only looked at us with a questioning face to which Chase shrugged and then Trev smirked like he knew something that we dint .

Chase started pulling me to the backyard door and kept following silently till we were out of ear shot.

Oh god...what are we gonna talk about? I certainly like him. Is he gonna tell me he likes me too?

"You think you can get away with what you just did?"he asked with a glint.

And here I was thinking we were gonna behave mature and confess for a while. But nah! Just bloody no.


Poop eating monster.

Son of a biscuit.

Demon reincarnation.

Clown from another dimension .

No swearing! Bad Jamie,bad bad Jamie!

"Yup." I said casually leaning on the door.


He took a step closer and whispered.
"Don't start something you cannot win Jimie poo."with a smirk.

Well, Jimie poo is gonna show you hell boo.

I took another step closer keeping my hand on his chest and whispered.

"I play to win." Slightly pushing him away.

I turned away dramatically and flipped my hair. You go gurl.

Oh yea.

That's how you do it.

I could see him amusedly staring at me and then smirking to which I rolled my eyes and went into the kitchen to get some more popcorn swaying my hips.

I play to win...wow! What a line Jamie. SO original *scoff*

Show off....

As if you even know what you've gotten into.

Stupid,stupid girl.

I feel like dobby scolding himself..

Hey! Dobby is awesome though.


Let's finish what we began Mr Williams. I am sure you will taste bitter failure soon.

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