9. one date

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I sat to the corner by the window in the detention room. All thanks to Mr certain useless Williams. I pulled my phone out and started playing candy crush.

The door burst open revealing Chase looking all smug except for the blue patch on his shirt that made me smirk. Serves him right. Barnacle.

His eyes met mine and he immediately scowled making me smirk wider. He never the less came and sat next to me.

"When are you gonna admit your undying love for me Williams?" I asked him patronisingly.

He smirked wider and said. "This is called wishful thinking. Keep it up Jimie poo." Making me scowl.

Jimie is already bad enough. Now poo? Ew.

Before I could retort anything in came the great Blake Summers in all his glory gracing us with his presence.

He saw me there and raised his brow.
"What is Ms goody two shoes doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in the good girl category Jam?"

"Chase." Was all I said pointing at his ink stained shirt smirking.

"And why are you here brother dear?"

"Oh well, the usual. I was late from soccer practice."
For which both Chase and me raised our brows. I don't remember Chase going to practise soccer today.

Okay now don't think I keep track of Chase or anything. I know this cuz he stuck by me and annoyed me the whole day.

"Learn to lie properly Blakey boy." I said.

"You know I am the captain right? How come you practised without me?" Chase asked smirking amusedly.

"Okay okay. I really need to work on my faking abilities. But yea, it's not totally a lie though. Not soccer practise exactly, but coach kinda punished me for missing the last practise." He grumbled taking a seat in front of us.

Chase nodded in understanding while I raised my eyebrows again.

"And why did you miss?"

"Ugh Jam, you are my sister. Not mom. Quit pestering me."

"You dint say the same when I covered up your shit." I said smirking.

"Okay fine. I kinda went out of the school yesterday." he replied sheepishly.

"But before eyou ask where, I just went with Trevor to grab something to eat. "

"RIIIIGHT....." I said not believing him. Whatever it is, he will tell me when he is ready. I just shrugged it off. Chase seems to have known this before itself cuz he dint seem suspicious or surprised or offended for leaving him behind.

My phone started ringing only to find an unknown number appear. I picked it up and cautiously said.


"Hey! Jamie, it's Scott."

"How did you get my number?"

"I have my sources. Where are you? I am waiting by your car."

"Oh. I am so sorry Scott. I forgot to tell you that I have a detention. I am soo sorry you had to wait. Let's hang out sometime else? "

"Oh. Okay. That'll be soon. No problem." And then he cut the phone.

I signed in relief. Blake was glaring at my phone.

"What's got your panties in a twist?"

"How did he get your number? Now this is where I enter the picture. That kid needs a warning."

I rolled my eyes and said."stop being my dad. I already have one over protective dad. "

"Well, I am your over protective brother " he said smugly. Such a kid.

"Shit!" I muttered remembering that I forgot to inform Mal.

"What's wrong?"

"I forgot about Mal and Nat."

"Oh. Dont worry. They left in my car along with Trev."


Chase and Blake were talking about their game and stuff and I just got bored. Detention sucks. The detention was soon over and I was never this grateful to get out of somewhere.

Blake and Chase walked ahead while I slowly strolled behind them. We found a certain caramel haired boy with a boyish smile standing in front of my car.

"Hey Jamie!" I immediately blushed. He waited this long for me?that's sweet but creepy.

And gag worthy.

"Seriously Scott, leave my sister alone man. I don't like how this is going." Blake said making me punch him in the hand. He can't control my life like this. And Scott was also kinda glaring at Blake and I dint like it. No one glares at my brother except me.

But before I could show how the action displeased me Scott answered.

" I am just being friendly mate. Nothing more. You know I would never make the wrong move especially when she is your sister."

I dint find anything wrong about the way he said but Chase and Blake immediately stiffened.

"Okay , come to the point what do you want?" Chase asked while I frowned confused. What are they talking about?

"One date with your sister ." Blake was about to launch himself on Scott but Chase held him back while I gagged. I pushed the boys away and went straight to a smirking Scott.

"Listen. You are hot. There is no denying in that. But I am not interested in you that way. Okay?" I tried calmly only for him to take a step closer invading my space and smirk wider.

"Stop lieing babe. I know you like me." He said extending his hand to touch a strand of my hair only for me to punch him in the stomach and step back.

"Ouch! Jamie. What was that for? I was just asking you out."

"But I denied. And the punch was for crossing your limits." I brushed the imaginary dust off my shoulders and turned around to find an amused Chase and smirking Blake.

"That's what you get Scott, for going near my sister." Blake said making me roll my eyes.

"Okay boys. Let's go!"

"This isn't over Jamie." Came Scott's strangled voice still in pain. I punch pretty well. I know.

"Oh but it is." This time it was Chase who answered surprising me while Blake still seemed furious at Scott. Boys and their ego.

We left a scowling Scott behind. I drove home while Chase and Blake discussed their game again. But I could sense something was wrong though. They seem tensed. Very well, whatever it is, they will sort it out. I shrugged and drove away.

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