Part 2

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Me and Louis went back to our flat; the other boys were still out shopping so me and Louis went to sit on the couch.

“Want a carrot, Hazza?” Lou asked.

I took a carrot stick from his hand and started chewing; Louis also took a carrot stick and started eating. He doesn’t know how beautiful he is, he doesn’t know how beautiful I think he is, I wish he liked me the way I liked him, it would make my life so much better.

"You alright, Harry?" Louis asked bringing me out of my thoughts.

I looked up into his worrying eyes; he had stopped chewing on his carrot and was now watching me intensely.

"I’m fine Lou, I was just thinking" I reassured him.

He looked at me funny but went back to chewing on the carrot.

"Harry?" Lou whispered.

I looked up from my carrot to see him staring into my eyes.

"What, Louis?" I asked.

"You would tell me if something was up, wouldn’t you?" he whispered.

I hated lying to him, but he was never going to like me back so I’d rather have him as a friend than nothing at all. I didn't want my heartbroken, which would be far too much to deal with. 

"Yeah Louis, I promise I would" I whispered not finding the strength to look into his eyes.

He looked at me and opened his mouth about to speak but the other boys came bursting into our flat.

"Hey guys" Niall shouted being his usual loud self while the others just smiled

"What have you guys been up to?” Niall asked.

"Just eating carrots, you know as normal" Louis replied.

The boys sighed and nodded, Louis was addicted to his carrots everyone knew that.

"Who’s coming to get pizza with me?" Liam asked.

"Me and Harry will go, you’re just in Liam’ Louis said.

Liam looked incredibly grateful and he nodded.

"Just the usual then?" I asked.

The boys nodded and me and Louis headed to the car.

After about two minutes of silence Louis spoke.

"You sure you’re alright Harry?" Lou asked taking his eyes off the road.

"I’m just tired Louis, being in one directions a lot of work, especially cause I’m the hot one" I joked.

Louis laughed and turned back to the road.

We pulled up in front of a pizza place and got out.

We walked up to the counter and I started ordering.

‘Hello, can I get 3 cheese and pineapple pizzas, one che-‘I started.

‘OMG ITS LARRY STYLINSON’ someone shouted behind us.

We turned round to find about 14 teenage girls staring at us.

This isn’t going to end well.

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