Chapter Two

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 Chapter 2

Breakfast was incredible! There were pancakes, eggs, bacon, biscuits, and hash-browns. Mrs. Weasley always made some amazing meal.

                Percy and her finished setting the table and sat down. I noticed something gold pinned to Percy’s cloths on his chest.

                “Percy what’s that on your-“

                “NO!” the twins shouted.

                “-chest,” I finished.

                “Now you’ve done it,” Fred and George groaned.

                “Oh this,” Percy said pointing to the pin. “It’s my Prefect badge.”

                “Prefect?” I asked now able to see the P on the badge.

                Percy smiled. “Oh, yea you don’t know much about Hogwarts yet. Well, Perfects are-“

                “Here we go,” Fred muttered.

                “-the leads of their houses. Two are chosen, a boy and a girl, from each year starting in their fifth year. If you are a Prefect you get the badge with your letter. It is great responsibility.”

                “Oh,” I said then smiled at him. “That’s great for you. I think they made a good choice in choosing you.”

                “You don’t have to live with him talking about it every day,” Ron said.

                “Ronald,” Mrs. Weasley snapped. “You should be proud of your brother.”

                “So Echo,” Mr. Weasley said clearly trying to change the subject. “Tell me, what is a Basketball?”

                “Oh, it’s a ball used in a game called Basketball. It’s orange and what you do is bounce it up and down on the court you are playing and try to get it to go into a tall hoop.”

                “So this game is played on the ground?” he asked.

                I nodded.

                The rest of breakfast went like that. I explained everything I knew about Basketball to Mr. Weasley, and Percy told me more about the response abilities of Perfects; like helping the first years around the castle. It was nice to know that I could turn to someone I know. Then again I had Fred and George to help me out as well.

                After breakfast we all went and got dressed and then we were all standing around the fire place. I kept putting my hand in my pocket to check on the money there. As we waited for Percy and Ginny to finish getting ready, we stood there. Fred and George were talking about some candy that makes your tongue grow really long. Usually I would be talking to them about it, but right now I was staring at the fire place. I knew what flu powder travel was, but I had never done it before. The idea of traveling through a fire place was odd, but I guess that was normal to most wizards.

                “Echo, are you okay?” George asked.

                “Yea, I’m fine,” I replied.

                “Nervous?” Fred asked.

                I nodded with a shy smile. “Maybe a little.”

My Best Friend George Weasley ~ Year OneNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ