regret and shock

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(Author's notes)



"Tetsuya's sadistic side speaking"

'Tetsuya's sadistic side thinking'



"foreign language"
"thinking in foreign language"

// sound effect or flash//

Talking over chatroom - cn (character name/initials): ........

I don't own Kuroko no basket nor do I own the characters

Bold in last chapter is underlined in this bit

Last time

"no young master tetsuya he isn't but every since last night when he found out you were returning he has been dancing around like a gidding little girl even lady and lord kuroko have been like that they have truly missed you very much" Robert said

" well lets go shall we  'goodbye japan and old life and hello new one'" kuroko said



Akashi's POV

I had called the others for a meeting because of recent developments

"I am sure you all know why I have summoned you all here"

midorima- *nods*

murasakibara-*continues to eat his snacks but nods*

aomine- *shakes head and looks confused*

kise- *looks extremely confused and is looking around for someone*

"kise who are you looking for?" I asked

" well you see it has been a few months since we all were summoned here and I was hoping that if I was lucky enough I would see kurokocchi *everyone looked at kise for an explanation* so apologise for saying such mean things to him *crys anime tears* he is way better then kagami and if kagami didn't have kurokocchi then he wouldn't have made it as far as he did. don't you think?" kise replied

everyone including myself stared at kise in sock for the fact he just said something smart for the first time in our history of knowing him but I managed to get a old on reality while the others were shocked and nod my head as well as saying "your right kise that is actually one of the main reasons I have actually called you here today * everyone other then Akashi nods* well that reason is that I have learned that seirin as of 2 months ago was kicked kuroko off of the team and that since then they haven't won any single one of their matches a-"

"wait you mean they haven't won a single game not even the easiest practice match ones" I glared at aomine and said " you know I don't appreciate being interrupted so shut up *aomine shut up* thank you anyway I called you here to tell you that we ill be removing kagami from the GoM and be reinstating kuroko *midorima raises hand* yes midorima"

" I am happy that we are reinstating kuroko but doesn't he need to be here if he is being reinstated as a member of the GoM" he said while pushing his glasses up

" I did try to ring him but it looks like he has changed his number so I can't get hold of him maybe we should go and check his apartment and then stop at seirin and ask kagami if they have seen kuroko around the school and if not we speak to the head teacher about it" I said they all nodded and we proceded to kuroko's apartment.

once we got to kuroko's apartment we were just about to knock when the land lady came past she looked at us in front of kuroko's apartment and said " there is no use in knocking I assume your looking for kuroko-san right *everyone nodded* just so you know he moved out almost 2 months ago even I don't know where he is but right know that apartment is up for sale so maybe try at the boys school but other then that I can't be of much service to you" she said with a kind yet sad smile before leaving.

I turned to the others whose faces showed shock then started walking to seirin which wasn't that far away from the building surprisingly.


in America



"T-t-t-tetsuya-sama are you alright" one of the family's maids said

" yes I am fine Annabella someone must just be talking about me" Tetsuya said with a very handsome smile on his face which complemented his now heterochromatic eyes.

"o-o-o-okay Tetsuya-sama before I go is there anything you need me to get you" the maid said blushing madly.

"just tell my father and brother when they are done with the meeting that I will be outside with the other practicing for next weeks game" tetsuya replied before walking outside to his private basketball court to meet his new team.

Back in japan

Akashi's POV

The GoM have just met up with the seirin team and they just engaged conversation

I asked " have any of you seen tetsuya because we went to his apartment and the land lady said that he moved out almost 2 months ago we were wondering if you've seen him around the corridors *all of seirin shuck there head* oh and kagami * the taller red heads stepped forward and said "yes"* you are no longer considered a member of the generation of miracles now if you will excuse us we need to speak to the head of your school"

"wait Akashi-san" coach aida said

"what is you want I don't have all day" I replied

" I want to come with you guys to the heads office we are probably asking the same thing anyway so why not all of us be there to get the answer" she said and I nodded and asked her to direct us to the principles office.

when we got there I asked the principle "do you know the whereabouts of kuroko tetsuya" everyone sweat dropped at my straightforwardness

the principle sighed and pulled out a folder and skimmed through it before stopping on a certain page and said " no I do not know his current location other then the fact that he has transferred out of this school and I don't know where to in fact I hardly have any information about kuroko tetsuya in this file other then the fact that he lives alone"

with that we nodded and left with one thought on all of our minds 'where are you tetsuya'





















till next time hope it's alright will update soon

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