Chapter Thirty-Two

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1 Bella stood dead centre in the circle of dead trees, watching the flames dance all around them, feeling their stifling and painful heat, listening to them crackle and shriek. They painted stark shadows on everything around them and reflected off the red eyes of the vampires. It was a strangely beautiful sight, she had to admit that.

She wondered if she'd be able to feel fear, had she not fed only that morning.

Was this the end? Would her glorious immortality end not even four months after it had started? Leah and Demetri couldn't possibly believe that they could ever hope to get away with this. It made no sense! Sure, they got their enemies cornered, but that couldn't last. The fires would burn out, no matter what was feeding them, and there was no escaping the Volturi – there simply wasn't.

"Who's the lady on speaker?" Jasper said sweetly, having regained his composure after his little earlier outburst.

"Werewolf," Corin said curtly. She was by Caius's side, as if trying to shield him, but there was nowhere to go. "Children of the Moon."

The flames were circling them. A wind picked up. It was coming from the ocean and was whipping the fire into a roaring frenzy. The vampires huddled closer together.

Jasper whistled. "Well, shit." He squinted up at the starry sky. "Full moon's up in what, two hours? Looks like we're pretty fucked." It was weird to hear him swear like that.

"Can't we jump?" Bella said.

Shaking his head and keeping his eyes trained on the fire, Jasper said, "Too risky. They set up several rings. The water is too far away, so we can't jump into the ocean. The buildings all around are empty, but the wolf scent is so strong, I believe they were trying to cover up the fact that they've rigged at least a few of them."

Caius shot him an irritated glance. "They wouldn't burn down their own homes!"

"They would to save their own lives," Jasper returned, his voice dripping derision. "They've had about two days to get everything ready. That's enough time to set us a nice little trap. I for one won't blindly jump into the unknown, only to get burned to death. Also, the Quileute aren't the only werewolves waiting in the wings, lest we forget. We have no idea where the others are, but my guess is, they're close."

Bella, remembering that her lush chocolate tresses might catch on fire and light her up like a torch, pulled the stupid blowing hair up into a bun, like Jasper had taught her. "But the wolves aren't in sight, and if they do get here, our powers-"

"Won't do us any good," Jane cut in flatly. She didn't take her eyes off the fire. Its brightness made her irises glitter like huge rubies. "Not against Children. If they attack us whilst we're trapped, our chances of success are not exactly stellar."

"Depends on how many there are and on how willing they are to sacrifice their own," Alec said. He was right by his twin's side, holding her hand.

"Come out and face us, you filthy, mangy dogs!" Caius screamed at the air. His face was weirdly contorted, as if he were suffering a particularly nasty bout of migraine. This was impossible, of course. Vampires were above such things.

"I'd keep the racist insults and the gorilla chest-thumping to myself, pal," someone's voice – a woman, but not Blake's – resonated across the dark, cold, windy beach. Was that Leah? "You're in your own private ring of fire because Demetri knew you wouldn't keep your end of the bargain. You promised to talk and to listen, but he knew, just knew that you'd double-cross him out of petty racism. You are such an asshole, man."

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