Chapter Five

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1 As if they didn't have enough problems, what with Bella still being pretty blind and sort of deaf. No, now there was that nasty blonde vamp chick from Alaska or whatever sticking her stupid sparkly nose where it didn't belong. And Nessie? Jesus, she just did what she wanted and never listened. Jacob did his best to stay away from her, but when he couldn't, and she messed up, and he started getting angry...yeah. That always worked out so well.

And now, this. Carlisle the Idiot asked everyone to stay inside, because he was gonna deal with the blonde leech. Great plan. Really. Jacob would clap sarcastically, but there was no time for such childish nonsense. The blonde wasn't fooled by Carlisle's why-can't-we-all-be-pals talk. Nessie got curious, wanted to see, and what Nessie wanted, Nessie got. The blonde panicked. She ran.


"Leah! Seth! Let's go!" Not waiting for a reply, not caring about the vamps' protests, he set into motion, dodged (precious, beautiful, perfect) Nessie, pushed Carlisle, jumped from the porch, phased, clothes ripping apart, and off he went. He'd worry about having nothing to wear later. His pack members were right on his heels.

"Wait! Don't hurt her!" Carlisle yelled after them. "Jasper! Emmett! Go with them!"

Jacob didn't mind the jock so much, but Captain Brainwash was effing spine-chilling. Oh, well, no dodging that psychopathic asshole, since he was part of the clan, and the clan needed to keep together by decree of Nessie. She wanted him around, and she wanted Jacob. There was no escaping these people, was there? Ever? Damn it.

The blonde was fast, but Jacob was faster. He followed her into the forest, across the river. He weaved his way through the woods, dodging, jumping, tracking, running, running, running. It didn't take long, and he caught up with her, leapt, landed on top of her. She struggled, squirmed, managed to turn, grabbed one of his paws with both ice-cold hands in an iron grip, sank her fingernails into his skin, kicked up, hit him in the stomach with her rock-hard knee. He howled, jumped back, hit her in the face with his front paw. She flew wide, against a tree, bounced off, landed on all fours. In a split second, she was on her feet, her upper lip curled back, her fangs out. Jeez, these things were icky. She crouched, made to jump on him, but then Leah and Seth were there, flanking him, circling her, growling. Awesome! They could tear this thing apart, burn it, keep it forever away from his-

"Everyone is going to calm down now!" Jasper's voice was loud and forceful. He'd just caught up with them, followed closely by Chucklehead. Much more calmly, sounding almost gleeful, he added, "Do it, or I'll do it for you."

Leah snarled. Her hackles stood on end. I swear this asshole gets off on his power.

Yeah, tell me something I don't know, Jacob snapped at her. It wasn't her fault, though, this cluster-fuck. He guessed he just wanted to tear these undead jerks a new one for ordering him and his people about like they were their pets.

Guys, don't be sore, Seth thought, placating as always. Seriously, what was up with that? He's just trying to keep the peace.

Shut up, Seth, God!

This time, Jacob did not feel inclined to tell Leah to put a sock in it. Okay, people, you heard Mister Creeptastic. Back off or get brainwashed.

No, he didn't like having to listen to Jasper the Genocidal Maniac. The guy was fricking scary. The thing was, as much as Jacob despised him, he knew that he was never again going to lift another finger against any of the Cullens. Nessie wanted them all safe and sound, so that they could all protect her. She'd also made clear that she wanted them all united and happy in the same household, and what Nessie wanted, Nessie got.

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