Chapter 27: New Comrades

Começar do início

-Natsu P.O.V-
"Is that you? Nova?"
She froze, almost as if me recognising her was all she could handle.
"No...this is impossible..." she muttered. She stood herself up right, then backed up until she was against the door. "It was an illusion! All of it! That's...that's what they told me!" She shouted, tears streaming down her cheeks. She suddenly looked forward, as if a thought had clicked in her mind.
" this another illusion?"
"N-No, it can't be," I told her, as I was finally able to speak. "We're both...'aware' that means..."
There was a beat of silence, until we both whispered the exact same words.
"You're real."

"I don't understand," Nova began, walking back and forth in a straight line. "How are you here? How are you alive?"
"I wanna ask you the same question!" I cried back. "I woke up, and I remembered. I remembered that I never had a sister, I remembered my real life. But those memories never left me. The memories Akari created are etched into my brain, the memories of a sister I never had! So why are you here?!"
"I thought that you were an illusion!" She shouted back. "But then news came in that Natsu Dragneel was the country's most wanted criminal, and I didn't even know what to believe anymore. I thought that it must be someone else. But there was a part of me...a part of me that wanted..." her words faded off into nothing, and her paced slowed. "I don't understand."
"Has Akari...ever put two people in the same illusion before?" I asked. Nova turned to me, her eyes wide.
"I don't see why she couldn't..." she answered, her voice faint. Then she smiled, and let out a long sigh. But her stress still lingered in the air.
"So that's what happened." She walked over to the dressing chair, and threw herself into it.
"That's what happened," she repeated, wiping her eyes.

There was an awkward silence between us, until I decided to start up a conversation.
"So, my sister's a Rosafelt child."
"And my brother's a national criminal."
We laughed a little, such casual talk a warming gesture.
"Do you remember the last conversation we had?" Nova asked. Of course I remembered. I remembered everything.
"I never want to leave you, Nii-San. I want to stay with you forever."
"Yeah," I replied. "We finally went to see that stupid sunset that you wouldn't stop going on about."
"Hey! It was pretty, you know!" Nova shouted back, crossing her arms. Getting angry at me, just like she had always done in the illusion. Being herself- being my little sister.
"You never got to see it," she muttered. "Just after it started, you..."
There was no need for her to finish, for I knew what she wanted to say. I had killed myself that day, by falling to my death. I left her, all alone. Something I promised I wouldn't do.
"I'm sorry, for doing that to you," I said, unable to look her in the eye.
"No, you did the right thing," she replied. "You figured it out before I did."
"I didn't figure it out, actually," I told her. "Someone was calling to me in the real world, and it somehow reached me in the illusion."
"I guess that makes sense," she answered. I noticed that she was clutching something tightly in her hands, but the item was covered up.
"What's that?" I asked, walking over to her.
"I-Its nothing," she muttered, slightly embarrassed.
"Come on, you can show me," I told her, opening up her palms. Inside was a necklace.
No, it was the necklace.
A small wooden pendant, with an N carved in the middle of the pattern.
"That's the beauty of it. We can be strong and rely on ourselves, but if we ever need help we know that the other is there."
"After you died, in the illusion...I got so depressed and lonely...a few months later, I...I killed myself as well. Not because someone was calling me, or because I figured out I was in an illusion...but because I couldn't live without you."

Every memory of her became a diamond, a treasure I'd want to cherish forever. Real or fake, I didn't care. She's my sister, and that's all that mattered.
"I missed you...I missed you so much!" She cried, throwing her arms around me. I stumbled backwards, shocked.
"I love you, Nii-San."
I wrapped my arms around her tightly, and embraced her as much as I could. The feel of her chestnut hair against my fingers, the glow of her emerald green eyes...I knew them like the back of my hand.
"I missed you too, Nova," I whispered, tears in the corners of my eyes. "I missed you too."

-Lucy P.O.V-
"Niska Raven..." Ekiro muttered, trying to think back. "The girl that tried to help you escape?"
"Yeah, that's right," I replied quickly. "Please...tell me she's still alive."
"They ordered me...they ordered me to execute her," he answered.

I stared him the eyes, as the light drained away from me.
"W-What?" I whispered, refusing to accept it.
"Wait, it's not what you think," he added, taking my hand. "Follow me."

Ekiro led me further through the dungeons, down staircases and hallways, until we came to a row of high security prison cells.
"Since I'm the lead prison officer, I have a skeleton key," he explained. "So I kept her hidden in here."
"Ekiro? Is that you?" I heard, from the cell right next to the entracnce. There were only doors to the cell, no jail bars. So I quickly slid the block of wood on the door, to see inside.
"Niska! Niska it's me, Lucy!" I cried quickly.
"Are you okay?"
Niska was on the other side of the door, sat on the floor. Thankfully, she looked well nourished and unhurt.
"Lucy..." she muttered, standing up. "Why are you here?"
I smiled at her, through the gap in the door.
"I'm here to save you. Because you're my friend."
Her eyes widened, and immediately began to fill with tears.
" came..." she whispered, smiling. "And Natsu? How is Natsu?"
"He's fine, we're all here. We're all here for you." I told her. There was a beat of silence between us, before she completely broke down in tears.
"I'm so happy..." she muttered, in between sobs. "I can someone."
All the questions! Who is Knox? What is Knox? What is Amira's magic? What is Nova's magic?
Uh man why is my own book giving me the

The Rosafelt [Fairy Tail/Nalu AU Fanfic]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora