Chapter 15:" Lions, Tigers, & Bears"

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"I'm losing a pulse we have to get her there now!"

"We're losing her get there NOW NOW!"

3 week earlier

Knock! Knock!

I knocked on Naomi's door, clean and completely scared.. now that I was clean I wanted to see my sister and Naomi too of course. I wore a long sleeve fitted dress with black sandals. My once purple hair was now fully brown and I had on light make up.

Naomi opened the door completely stunned.

"Wow... you look like your old self, you look gorgeous."

"Thanks can I come in?" I motioned towards her living room.

"Um sure.." I walked in and she closed the door behind me, sitting on her couch I rubbed my sweaty palms on the hem of my dress.

"Is E here?"

"No, she's at the pool right now with a friend of hers." I nodded and looked up at her.

"Naomi I mi-"

"Ashanti I'm with someone now." She cut me off, I stared at her for a second. I couldn't say I was shocked because I did do her wrong and she's an amazing person. But to know she's with someone else hurts worse than anything.

"That's great! I um hope you're really happy" I smiled

"I am.. and thank you." The room fell into an awkward silence "What do you want Ashanti? Do you need a place to stay?"

"No, I just wanted to talk to you... look you're part of the reason I wanted to get sober-"

"Well that's unfortunate. You should be the only reason you decided to get sober." She cut me off.

"So this is what we're going to do now? You're going to be mean towards me after everything Naomi?" She stood up and started to walk towards the kitchen.

"I'm not going to do this with you." I followed her to the island

"Oh we're going to do this. You were the only thing I thought about in rehab. I wanted to get back to you, be clean for you."

"You should have wanted it for yourself!" We were both now on different sides of the island, I saw the rage starting to fill her.

"I did! I wanted it for me and you and Egypt! Now you're off with some new broad! Like our relationship just meant nothing to you " I yelled at her

"Wait what?" She held up her hand. "What did you just say to me?"

"You could have waited for me Naomi! But instead you chose to run off with the next bítch." She came across the island and smacked me across my face. I held my cheek and looked back at her puzzled.

"I tried everything to you help Ashanti! Everything! Do you know how many times I drove you to rehab? How many mornings you came to my home high as a kite and I still fed you ? Even after you cheated on me with that grimy ašs bítch! I still loved you unconditionally and I tried to stay by your side as you drained the life out of me. As you broke my heart!" She was now standing directly in my face and I could clearly see the hurt in her eyes.. the hurt that I caused while loving her. " You broke me Ashanti... you demolished my heart. Seeing you like that was the worst pain I've ever had to endure." Tears streamed down her face, I moved my hand to wipe them but she hit my hand. "Don't touch me."

"Naomi..... I'm sorry I d-didn-"

"You had me and your sister! We should have been enough motivation for you to get clean in the beginning Ashanti! But you basically said fùck us. You'd rather ruin your life and snort that shít up your nose with that bítch that ruined us oh my God. Get out Ashanti!" I stood there looking at her. It was as though my feet were glued to the ground "Now!" She yelled while pointing towards the door... I slowly walked towards the door.

She slammed the door behind me. Heart hurt, mind racing, I slid down the door and let the tears begin to fall.


I slid down the door and let the tears fall. I loved that girl so fùcking much it's ridiculous. I couldn't believe our relationship had come to this. I wanted so badly for things to work out with us but she said fùck us the moment she chose drúgs and another woman. I stood up and walked back towards the kitchen. Grabbing a bottle of wine and a wine glass I started towards my bedroom.


Sorry if I sound so filled with gloom

You say you care and I know you do

But this is from my experience

And my conclusion only makes sense

Just cause I love u and u love me,

It doesn't mean that that we're meant to be,

At this point I had made it through half the glass of wine and my buzz was defiantly there. I heard faint knocking on my door and turned the radio down a little.

"Come in." A pregnant Egypt walked in,

"Hi boo... it's a little dark and gloomy in here." She walked over and laid on the empty side of my bed.

"Yeah, I had a bad day."

"Did something happen between you and Miranda?" I took a deep breath in and felt the tears start to slide down my cheeks, I knew my eyes had to puffy and my face red from crying all afternoon.

"No um.." I wiped my tears from my face while looking at her "Your sister came over." Her eyes widened in shock.

"Oh my God. Is she okay?" She asked frantically.

"Yes yes she's fine. She's actually clean and she looks great Egypt." I saw a faint smile appear on Egypt's lips and for that I was happy that Ashanti was getting better.

"Then why are you crying boo? This is great news."

"Well yeah it is but her and I got into it like we always do-" I started to cry into Egypt's lap.

I swear heart break feels like a thousand knives have stabbed you right in your chest. When I saw Ashanti today all I wanted to do was run into her arms and tell her how beautiful she looked and hold her. I wanted it to be like old times... but it can never be like old times. Not after everything that has transpired between us. Egypt rubbed my back while trying to soothe me.

"You need to call her Naomi and sit down and talk to her. I get that you're trying to move on but you can't move on until you fully have closure with her. " I knew what Egypt was saying was true.. the question was should I really sit down with Ashanti? Or just let things continue on how they are. I can't take anymore hurt from her.


Sooooo here's the plan for summer guys. I will be finishing this book and Without Warning and starting two new books that are going to be the hottest books of the summer! You guys are going to loveeeee what I have planned next it is going to be so exciting. Also I changed Naomi's look because so she is not the girl that was posted in the MultiMedia anymore because I will be using that girl in one of my new books. Expect a couple more updates from this book and expect them fast.

Updates very soon, I struggled with this update I had a little bit of writers block with these two but now I know how I want it to end get ready for some crazy shíttttt




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