"Why are you holding your boobs?" Riley asks sitting down next to me on the grass. I lower my hands and blush. "You got them done?!" She shrieks making me groan.
"Shut up." I hiss elbowing her
"Did it hurt?" She questions motioning to her own chest.
"No he was really good." I mumble
"He? A guy saw your boobs and you didn't tell me?" Riley scolds me as she ties her black hair up to show off her perfect cheekbones.
"It was professional." I remind her laying back on the grass.
"Was he hot?" When I don't answer her she squeals and leans over me. "We are going to the shop."
"No we are not." I look her in the eyes and see mischief swirling in her hazel eyes, a fleck of gold showing every once in awhile.
"I want my belly button pierced and you know of a great shop with attractive workers." The thought of Calum seeing a part of her skin and putting his hands on her made me furious for some reason.
"No." I shake my head and sit up so she will get the hint.
"Come on. You can't keep him all to yourself." She groans
"Yes I can." I mumble
"There is probably another guy there that can do it. You don't have to worry about your precious nipple piercer." She giggles tugging on my arm. Michael could do it. I nod and stand up, I can see Calum again. He hasn't texted me like he said he would. "Yay!" Riley cheers grabbing her big purse and my hand pulling me after her. "Where is it? What is it called?"
"I went to Eye Inked. It's right across from that huge church." I tell her making her pull me out of the park and to her car."This place looks nice." Rory mumbles from the drivers side. She takes in the spray paint art on the side of the building.
"It's nice I swear." I reply unbuckling and turning to look at her.
"Okay which one can I go after?" She asks "Which one is off limits?"
"Shut up." I groan opening the door and getting out of her small car.
"You fucker! Don't slam my door." Riley curses getting out of her car, leaning back down to get her purse before she shuts her door and locks her car. I open the door to the shop and let Riley go in ahead of me. "No looking at my ass." She winks as she passes by me.
"Who would want to." I mumble making her turn and glare at me.
"Welcome to Eye Inked." Calum's voice seems deeper than before.
"Australian?" Riley whispers to me making me blush, Calum stands up and glances at us, a smile gracing his face.
"Hellooo." He drags out the 'o' before he looks back down at the guys arm he just finished. "Alright Matt why don't you check it out before I wrap it?" Calum suggests
"Dude did you eat my sandwich?" Michael asks coming out of the office.
"I got hungry." Calum answers shrugging
"Looks good, thanks for getting me in on a short notice Hood." ''Matt' the guy Calum tattooed says letting Calum rub some cream on the tattoo before wrapping it with a Saran Wrap type of thing?
"I wanted that sandwich." Michael states, crossing his arms and pouting. I look away from watching Calum and look to Riley who has made herself comfortable on the couch looking through the tattoo book.
"See anything you like?" Michael asks going next to her and looking over her shoulder.
"Not at all." Riley replies casually looking up at Michael. Damn. Harsh. Calum laughs taking Matt's money before saying goodbye to him.
"What can I do for you? Is everything alright with the piercings?" Calum asks pocketing the cash.
"I want my belly button pierced." Riley states closing the book and standing up. "You are the one who pierced her?" She asks making me blush
"Uh yeah?" Calum seems confused by the question as he looks at me before looking back to Riley.
"I am going to go order a pizza." Michael mumbles walking into the office and pulling out his phone.
"Okay I can do it since Mike has decided to be and asshole." Calum states raising his voice at the end and looking to the office, Michael's hand peeks out the open door with the middle finger raised.
"Okay!" Riley cheers following Calum back to the piercing room.Riley lays on the table with her shirt raised up to below her chest. She has signed the form and is just waiting for Calum.
"El wouldn't show me her piercings." Riley states pulling me out of my thoughts.
"Wha-we were in the car." I state crossing my arms before wincing at the pain making me uncross them.
"So? I've done worse in a car." Riley seems proud when I fake gag and cover my ears. Calum smiles at me before looking down at my perverted friend.
"I don't want pervs looking at my boobs." I tell her watching as Calum quickly pierces her skin, unlike when he did my piercings. With mine he was slow and took his time but with her, he was quick and with no warnings.
"Fuck." Riley curses looking down at her new piercings.
"Okay, so here are the rules on cleaning it, make sure you do clean it. And if the is an infection go straight to a doctor." Calum states handing Riley a paper after she sits up.
"Okay!" Riley looks down one more time at her flat stomach before putting her shirt down. Rory hands Calum cash before we leave the shop. "Thank you."
"No problem."Calum gives her a tight smile "Nice to see you again Elowen." I blush and give him a small wave before following my friend out to her car. As soon as we buckle my phone vibrates in my pocket.Unknown Number:
You looked beautiful today."Is it your mom?" Riley questions, I nod not really taking in what she was saying.
~~thank you for reading~~

Daddy- Calum Hood Punk AU
FanfictionCalum owns a tattoo parlor and an innocent girl comes in that catches his eye. ~~~~~ "You are biting your lip, what are you thinking?" I release my lip not even realizing that I was biting it. "My friend Riley said something..." I trail off "What d...