The Strength to Go On Sequel

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OMGOMG I AM SOOOOOOOOOO SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, I finished this chapter the day I said I would, and i totally though i put it up, and i guess i didn't! again, i am SO SORRY!!!!!! anyway, VOTE AND COMMENT! I don't want to keep you waiting anymore, so here it is. FIRST CHAPTER OF THE SEQUEL!!!!! (p.s. any ideas for a title?)

Chapter 1

It had been a month. An entire month and his boss was still not back. It was driving Scott crazy. He knew he couldn't quit his job and go see her, but he also couldn't take a vacation. There was a big case that needed to be solved and everyone was working on it. No one was allowed a vacation until it was solved, and they weren't even close. Scott was scared Jayde had moved on in the time that it was taking to get there. It was like someone knew what he and Janneke had planned, and was deliberately making sure it didn't happen.


When Scott woke up, his neck was stiff and he noticed that Janneke was on the complete other side of the bed. He was glad that he didn't have one of those moments where his arm had wrapped around her. He had had a dream about Jayde and he would have been embarrassed for Janneke to know what it had done to him. He rose form the bed without waking her and walked into her bathroom to take a cold shower.

He was just stepping into the cold downpour of water when he realized something was wrong. He had not woken to the sound of a phone going off. Did that mean that Jayde never texted Janneke? Or that they just hadn't woken up. Suddenly it was all Scott could do to not jump out of the shower and run naked to text Janneke's phone.

He washed himself quickly, making sure he was calm before he stepped out and grabbed a towel. He wrapped it around his waist and then walked calmly to. Janneke's bedside table and picked up her phone. His breath caught when he saw that she had one new text message. He flipped open her phone and he almost stopped breathing when he saw it was from Jayde. He was about to open the message when he realized that he should probably wake Janneke up.

Then he looked down and realized he should also probably get dressed. Realizing he had no other clothes, he pulled on the ones he had been wearing the previous day and then jumped on top of Janneke.

"Wake up!" he yelled.

Janneke's eyes flew open and before she knew it, she had punched Scott in the stomach.

"Ow! What was that for?" he asked, holding his stomach and grimacing in pain.

"You scared the shit out of me!" Janneke yelled.

"I was trying to wake you up, geesh," Scott said, standing up and glaring at her.

"For a cop, you're a big baby," Janneke said, getting out of bed while she yawned and stretched her arms.

"Whatever. Why didn't your phone go off last night?" Scott asked.

"What? You mean she texted me?" Janneke asked, suddenly wide-awake.

"Yeah, 4 hours ago. While we were sleeping. Why didn't we hear it?" he asked.

"I don't know and I don't care! Open it you idiot!" Janneke yelled.

"I will! I wanted to wake you up first," Scott said.

Janneke looked at him funny. "Why?"

"So you could see it too," Scott said, scratching the back of his head.

"It's not going to disappear once you read it. I could have just read it when I woke up. There was no need to jump on me and disrupt my dream," Janneke said, suddenly blushing.

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