Don't you go

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"Clarke motherfuckin' Griffin, get your face out of that textbook!" Raven Reyes shouted as she slammed Clarke's front door closed.

Clarke jumped, she had been contentedly curled up on her couch with the news at a low murmurs for background noise. Her lap was covered in a fuzzy purple blanket, a textbook resting on her legs and her free hand that wasn't tapping her pen on the book was buried in a bowl of dry cheerios.

Her bowl nearly toppled over the edge of the couch before she caught it and sent Raven a narrow glare, "I'm studying for an Anatomy test, Reyes. What do you want?"

"Jesus, Griff, snappy much? Is it because you haven't gotten laid in," she glanced at her wrist, as if gauging the time on the bone, "like six months?"

Clarke rolled her eyes, it might have been seven but she wasn't counting. Since her break up with Finn she hadn't put herself out there and had thrown herself into her schoolwork. After the boy had cheated on her, she'd tried to go out and do the whole "no strings" thing but it hadn't worked out. She just wasn't comfortable possibly hurting someone's feelings in that way, so after a girl named Nylah and her had hooked up nearly a week after her break up.

Raven scooped the book out of Clarke's lap and threw it onto the floor. Clarke yelped indignantly, "Raven! You're throwing money on the ground!"

The brunette ignored her and placed her hands on either side of Clarke, boxing her in. If they hadn't been such good friends, Clarke would have probably pushed her away. "Griffin. Get your ass up. We're having a hurricane party."

"A what?"

Octavia sauntered her way into the room, scooping up the open textbook and looking at it thoughtfully before placing it on the coffee table. She acted as if she lived there and sat herself down on the other side of the couch, snatching up the remote. She turned up the volume, where a meteorologist was pointing out a large spinning shape on the screen.

"A hurricane party, I guess a lot of the locals love to go outside and have a huge party in the middle of hurricane force winds. I honestly don't understand it myself, but I'm totally in if it means alcohol," Octavia laughed and slapped Raven's ass while she was still leaned over Clarke.

The brunette squeaked and narrowed her eyes at Octavia, slapping her hand away. "I love the idea, mix in a little danger. These Floridians sure now how to do it."

Clarke rolled her eyes, "Okay. Well, I sure as hell am not going outside of this apartment building during a category four hurricane. No sir-y."

Raven grasped onto the blonde's shoulders and shook her, sending the cheerios cascading to the floor in a mess, "Yes you are! You have no choice! The hurricane hits in two days. You're going to this party. End of story."

After that, the brunette sat herself down between Clarke and Octavia, sidling up close to the other brunette and allowing Clarke to get back to their work. The two of them flipped through the channels until they landed on one airing a marathon of The Golden Girls.

~ ~ ~
Lexa was uncomfortably perched on a bar stool nursing an overly sweet cocktail and rubbing her fingers over the rim of the glass. Her best friend Anya had dragged her out of their shared house over two hours ago to a hot, overcrowded bar.

The brunette had been forced to change into a tight black skirt and a shimmering dark purple halter top she wasn't even sure was hers. At least, she'd never seen it before. Anya had disappeared once she was certain Lexa was established at the bar.

She had already been forced to turn down two guys and one adventurous lesbian who attempted to buy her drinks. She knew that was why Anya had dragged her out-she wanted her to get laid. The only problem was that Lexa had very little desire to meet someone, especially after being so thoroughly jaded by her last girlfriend.

"Jesus Christ, Lexa, get yourself on the dance floor and stop looking like you've got a stick shoved up your ass," Anya stumbled over, slurring her words and wrapping an arm around her best friend.

Lexa grimaced at the smell of beer on her friend's breath, "I'm not going anywhere unless its home, Anya."

Anya pouted and let go of her friend, crossing her arms. "Come on, you need to mingle. Costia would-"

"Don't mention her name," Lexa snapped, her blood boiling at the mention. Her stomach clenched painfully and she honestly thought she was going to be sick. She rubbed her hand over her middle, hoping to calm the rolling within.

Anya rolled her eyes, "Lexa." She was exasperated with her best friend. It had been nearly three years since Costia and Lexa still acted as though she was completely broken.

Lexa mocked her tone with raised eyebrows, "Anya. I'm not going to sit here with you if you're going to keep bringing it up. I can easily get myself a cab and gohome."

"Alright, alright, Heda," She mocked the nickname, "Get a cab, party pooper." She pulled her arm away and called for another beer behind the bar.

After Anya left, Lexa thought about it. She stood up and stretched her stiff back before knocking back the remainder of her drink. If she wasn't having any fun being out with her best friend, why was she there at all? She could be at home in sweatpants and watching Netflix while getting completely wasted on a bottle of Merlot instead of out in public in a tight skirt and drinking a fruity cocktail.

As she made her way towards the exit, avoiding gyrating bodies and drunken idiots stumbling into her, Anya reappeared. "Since you're leaving. I think you should know that we're hosting a huge hurricane party on Thursday."

Lexa rolled her eyes, "I have work on Thursday."

"Good, that means you won't be there to be a huge party pooper," Anya quipped back, slapping Lexa on the back. "Now get your ass out of here." She pushed her away roughly, sending the brunette stumbling out of the bar and into the humid Florida air.

Lexa hurriedly called an Uber and headed home.

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