Snapback, Holla back

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Every five seconds. Every five seconds, Lexa had to bring her hand to her head to resettle her snapback from where Clarke had teasingly twisted it or batted at it.

"Baby," she warned squeezing the soft hips of her girlfriend who was comfortably perched on her lap.

"I can't help it," Clarke whispered.

Lexa pressed a kiss to the curve just below Clarke's ear and breathed in the pleasant smell of flowers, sweat and booze. "Try."

Lexa turned her attention back to Lincoln and Octavia who sat across from her on the facing couch. Bellamy was throwing one of his usual Friday night parties, but with it being close to 3am, only his closest friends remained.

She was laughing at something Octavia was saying when she felt Clarke's hand on her hat again. She reached up and grabbed the girls hand, bringing it to her lips where she pressed a hard kiss. "Clarke, stop. We'll leave soon."

Clarke shifted in her lap so that her mouth was against Lexa's ear. "I can't help it," she whined in a whisper, "you look so hot in snapbacks."

Lexa chuckled. "If I take it off will that calm you down?"

Clarke shook her head and walked the pads of her fingers up and down Lexa's tan, bare arms. "All of you is really hot. You look really hot tonight."

"Baby, you're drunk," Lexa rasped, running a hand up and down Clarke's sweat-damp back. She had enjoyed watching her girlfriend dance and play drinking games all night, but now she worried that maybe she should have cut her off sooner.

"I'm not that drunk, Lex. Just buzzed, and-" Clarke nipped at Lexa's ear lobe sending a chill down the brunette's spine, "really horny."

Lexa practically threw Clarke off of her with how quickly she stood. "We're leaving," she announced as she quickly grabbed Clarke's jacket and purse from the couch. "Tell Bell if he needs clean-up help to text tomorrow morning. LATE morning," she added looking at Clarke's dilated pupils and hooded lids.

Once in the hallway, Clarke slammed her up against the wall and began unapologetically grinding her hips into her. "I really need you to get me off, Lexa" she panted desperately.

"Fuck, Clarke." Lexa's fingers dug into her girlfriend's firm ass cheeks and drew her impossibly closer. "Not here," she panted in between sloppy kisses, "come on, let's go home."


Lexa kicked out of the sheets as her chest heaved up and down. She held Clarke tightly to her and waited for the rapid puffs of breath in the crook of her neck to settle. She pressed gentle kisses into blonde hair as she tried to ignore the faint stinging on her ribs from where Clarke had clawed at her during her orgasm.

"That was a big one, huh?" She soothed as her fingers skated lovingly across Clarke's back.

Clarke just nodded, her chest still rising and falling pretty rapidly. "Really big one," she murmured.

"I'll remember that thing with my fingers for next time then," Lexa mused with a smile.

Clarke nodded again and nuzzled in closer. "I like that snap back," she hummed.

"I could tell."

It earned her a very weak smack to the ribs, but she was content when the hand rested there and began brushing over the scratches.

"I'm sorry I scratched you," came Clarke's tired voice.

"That's ok, baby. Worth it."

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