Waking up

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Bailey's POV
I opened my eyes and moved a little and winced from the pain in my side.
"Mmm" I groaned and I heard a concerned voice.
"Are-Are you okay?" He asked me and I got lost looking into his wonderful gorgeous spontaneous eyes."yea." I said  and he sighed in a happy way "did we imprint on each other?" I asked him and he nodded. I gently smiled hen winced. "I'll go get Carlisle." He said and left the room. I looked up into the ceiling and wanted to cry.Carlisle came in the room and looked at me and smiled gently and I just stared ahead. Later on I seen something standing. Looking at me. "What do you want?" I muttered and it smiled at me. "I'm here to guide you...Protect you." It said in a gentle voice that made me want to go to sleep. I slowly nodded and laid on the couch of the Cullen residence. "Bailey are you alright?" Bella asked sitting next to me in a swift movement. I've gotten used to their sickly make-you-wanna-puke smell "yep." I told her "just peachy." Her face fell and then the lady next to me smirked "she's hearing what Jacob and Renesmee are doing." She said and we went upstairs and Bella barged opened the door and Renesmee and Jacob was half naked on her bed. "JACOB/RENESMEE I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!" Bella and I yelled at each of them "you know what...I'm going to let aEdward handle you." I said sickly and he frowned as my grip on his throat tightened. "Whoa! Bailey!" Edward yelled when he seen me and grabbed me. "I know we all want to kill Edward but gosh not now." He said and I smirked "okay but you might want to reconsider saying that." I said and he looked confused "why and how come I'm hearing oh duck oh shit I'm so dead coming from the shirtless guy?" He questioned "well you slow ass this here." I pointed to Jacob "was about to have sex with my niece." I told him and he attacked Jacob. I smirked. This is going to be quite the day

Srry it's short just threw something together but at least it's something right??

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2016 ⏰

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