After the honeymoon

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Bailey's Point of view

It's been a few weeks now since I got home and since Bella left for her honeymoon with her vampire husband. I was with Alice and Me and her were hanging out and she suddenly went stiff. Yea she told me about them and I pretended like I didn't know but as you know I did. "What is it,Alice?" I asked when she came out of her little vision. "Bella's future disappeared." She said frowning so that must not be a good thing."I'll go get Carlisle" I said walking out of her room and into Carlisle's office. I knocked on the door and I heard a slight come in. I opened the door slightly and poked my head in. "Um hey Carlisle Alice needs you for something important," I said and he stood up and we headed back to Alice's room. I opened the door and she was just sitting there...pacing. "Alice," I said and she stopped and looked at me then Carlisle. She pulled out her phone and started to call Edward. "Bella's future disappeared." She said quickly. But we still...well I still heard it. "Hello? Bella...are you're future disappeared." She said and put Bella on speaker. "I-I'm not 100 percent sure but, I think that I might possibly be pregnant." She said and I stopped...Is that why Alice stopped seeing her future? Carlisle grabbed the phone, then we heard Edward's voice. "Can this happen?" He asked. You could hear the venom in his voice. " one knew this was going to happen. But all things are possible...besides she is human." Carlisle spoke again "We're coming home" Was all Edward said then the line went dead. I stared straight ahead. What does all this mean? Is something BAD going to happen to Bella? "BAILEY!" Alice yelled my name and I jumped "What?" I asked and she just rolled her eyes and pulled me downstairs. "Bella's pregnant." She announced and everyone but Rosalie held a look of shock. She just held a look of care, anger and a little bit of jealousy. Only because she knew she wouldn't be able to have babies. If I was a vampire and had that power I would give it to her, I know how much it would mean to her. "They're on their way home now," Carlisle spoke to them and started to set up everything in Carlisle's doctor room. They soon had shown up and they quickly took her to the hospital room and hooked her up to some stuff and drew some blood wich caused most of the vamps to leave the room. He soon finished and he let her out of the room and 2 hours later all the vamps came back. Jasper was calm and he had said that he felt like he needs to get used to all the blood. Ugh it's been years and you still haven't? Ridiculous but whatever. 

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