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                        A/N Basically just Thanksgiving with the Avengers

                 "We could go around the table and all say one thing that we're thankful for." Steve suggests as he helped  set out napkins on the shiny, white table inside Stark Tower.

Tony rolls his eyes. "Let me guess? You've been catching up on Brady Bunch?"

"I told you he would make fun of you, Stevie." Bucky comments as he lays out plates.

"Well, I thought it was a good idea." Steve says sadly.

Bucky presses a kiss to his cheek as he walks by Steve to get the forks. "It's a wonderful idea, Stevie. The thing is, none of us are eight years old."

Tony snickers as Clint enters the kitchen.  "One thing I'm thankful for? That those two lovebirds finally moved out. If I had to  walk into the kitchen one more time at four in the morning because I want pizza and had to see those two doing disgusting activities one more time, I would've had to be put in therapy. "

Steve's face turns as red as Natasha's hair as Bucky laughs shamelessly.

"It seriously damaged my appetite. " Clint mumbled as he handed the rest of the butter knives to Pietro, who speeds into the dining room and places them on the table within seconds.

"When's Sam going to be here?" Steve asks, trying to change the subject from his and Bucky's nightly 'activites'.

"Right now." Sam says as he appears in the doorway. 

"Yeah Steve, you couldn't tell how the room got significantly bigger to make room for his bird brain head?" Bucky sarcastically comments.

"It just got bigger to make room for my fabulous booty, Barnes. Something you're lacking in."

"Maybe so, but I have the thighs of betrayal."

"He does have quite masculine thighs." Thor added from where he sat at the table, eying the turkey lustfully.

"I highly suggest that both of you stop comparing the size of your body parts before I decide to poison you both." Natasha cut  in from where she stood in the kitchen making an extravagant Russian meal.

They both shut up at that.

"Who're we waiting on now?" Steve asks.

"Just Bruce and Vision." Wanda responds.

"T'Challa's not coming?"

"He has things to attend to in Wakanda."

"Bruce is here!" Tony exclaims as the scientist walks through the door.

"And I thought Vision was around here somewhere. .  " Wanda murmurs as she goes off the find him.

A few minutes and arguments over seating arrangements later, the entire team is gathered around the massive table.

"Maybe we should all say something we're thankful for?" Bruce suggests shyly.

"I told you it wasn't just me!" Steve announces with a smile on his face.

Tony sighs before agreeing. "Just make it quick. I would like to eat, not have group therapy.

The team chuckles and agrees.

Clint goes first. "I'm eternally grateful for the fast food restaurant that opened right next to Stark tower. I think I've finally found true love."

"And I'm also thankful for the restaurant,"'Natasha adds. "Clint hasn't asked me to cook for him in weeks. Not like I ever humored him in the first place."

"I myself am thankful for being created." Vision comments. "Not like I had much choice in the matter it's just. . . Nice to be alive
That makes everyone smile.

"I'm thankful that Tony found a way to revive me. I literally owe him my life." Says Pietro.

Tony gives a half grin. "I suppose I'm thankful that we're all a team together. We got Thor, Bruce and Pietro back with us, and Barnes joined this year."

They all agree with him before Bruce adds, "I'm also very thankful for that. It's nice to have some stability back to the team. I. . . I missed it. "

Thor says, "I am thankful that I wasn't too preoccupied in Asgard to be here with you all today. I wish it was the same for King T'Challa."

"I myself am thankful for family," Wanda says, looking over at Pietro and then around the rest of the table. "Whether blood related or not."

"Your turn, Steve." Tony chides.

"Well,"  He starts. "I'm thankful for reestablished relationships." He looks over at Bucky and smiles softly.

"Aww, you're thankful for little old me?" Bucky laughs before giving him a little kiss.

"Please don't," Clint begs. "Not in the kitchen. I already have to many memories."

The team laughs before Bucky states what he's thankful for. "The 21st century," he says. "We've come a long way since the war. Wifi's great, the food's better, and I don't have to hide my love for Stevie here, either." He leans over and gives Steve another kiss as Steve blushes.

A few people coo over how sweet the two are together, before Natasha interrupts with, "This is beginning to get throw-up worthy. Let's eat."


              Once Steve and Bucky get back home to Brooklyn, they are both laying lazily on the couch, their stomachs full and happy.

"I meant what I said." Bucky says. "About being thankful for you."

Steve smiles. "I know. I meant what I said, too."

Bucky rolls over so they're no longer spooning and kisses him softly. "Love you."

"Love you too, Buck."

They fall asleep in each other's arms.

        A/N well this is short and pretry dumb but whatever . Happy Thanksgiving to those of you who celebrate it!!

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