Just The Way I Like You

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"I'm too skinny. " Steve whimpered into Bucky's ear as the brunette cradled him in his masculine arms.

"Nah, " Bucky said, then smiled cheekily. "You're just the way I like ya. "

"But Bucky," he continued. "Don't ya wish that I could pick you up? Or take care of you? Don't ya ever wish that? "

Bucky shook his head again, pulling Steve closer to his body as they lay them together in their shared twin sized bed, huddling together against the cold winter wind that crept its way through the windows that didn't quite close all the way.

"The only thing I don't like is that ya get sick. Other than that, you're perfect just the way you are. " He pressed his lips to the smaller man's temple.

"Besides," Bucky said, his voice rumbling lowly in his chest.

"Other people might not see it, but I think your size is adorable. "
He playfully nipped at Steve's ear, earning a squeal from him in response.

Steve pushed him away and looked him in the eyes. "Ya promise? "

Bucky smiled softly as he leaned down and gave Steve a light kiss on his pink lips.

"I promise, Stevie. "

Steve leaned back into his lover's embrace, a sultry grin now playing on his lips as he whispered, "Good. Now bite me again. "

Now Steve didn't know what to think of his body.

Before he found out that Bucky was still alive, he rarely thought that his strong, healthy body was a problem.

Now, however, he was starting to question it.

He stared at his reflection in the mirror with a judgmental gaze rather than his one of awe, still not quite believing that his once small, skinny body was now this one of masculinity.

He knew that all the ladies enjoyed it, but it was no longer their opinion that mattered to him.

Bucky came back to him, and a few months ago they had decided to go a little further in their relationship.

They were taking things slow, and making sure they were both comfortable with how far they went with each other.

It was pretty innocent so far, but the previous night when they were lazily cuddling on the sofa, watching a Disney movie, when Bucky, who was half asleep, mumbled as he ran his fingers across Steve's chest , "So different now. "

Steve had smiled as he ran his own fingers through Bucky's tousled hair. "Whaddya mean, Buck? "

"You. " He said sleepily as he buried his head into Steve's stomach. "

Steve's smile faltered. What did he mean?

He was silent for a moment before he said, "What's so different about me?"

"Body's different," Bucky mumbled. "It's not small. Can't carry you around so easily. " He yawned as he closed his eyes.

Biting his lip, Steve asked hesitantly, "Do you still like it? "

He waited for an answer, but none came.

"Buck?" He asked softly.

Still no answer.

The man sighed as he laid his head back on the sofa arm, hoping to catch his sleep himself.

But he couldn't.

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