Merry Christmas!!

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                     "Babyyy. . ." Bucky mumbles against Steve's neck as he moves his lips from pressing kisses along his boyfriend's neck to whispering in his ear. Steve stirs a little, but his eyes remain closed. He gives the blond a little nip on his earlobe,  but that didn't wake the super soldier either.

"Steeeve, oh Steeeve.  . ." The blond let out a sleepy groan, but shows no sign of awakening. 

"Babe. Stevie. Babydoll. Honey. Punk. Reckless idiot that I love. Stevie-kins- would you just wake up already?" He was running out of nicknames.

Steve smooshes his face into his pillow. "Did you want something?" He asks with a tired voice as his eyelids part ever so slightly. "You're never up this early unless you're-" He stops and rolls his eyes. "If you wake me up because you're horny, we literally went for hours last night. I'm beat, I can't."

Bucky can't suppress a chuckle. "Good guess, but no. Something else. " He waits for Steve's answer patiently. When he gets none, he exclaims, "It's Christmas, Stevie!"

Steve let out a noise that sounded like a groan. "I swear Buck, if you want me to wear Mrs. Claus lingerie like last year, I will put your head through a window."

"Aw, I love you too. But no. I actually have presents for you."

"Does this require getting out of bed?"

"Yes, you punk. I love you, but not enough to carry your presents to you. C'mon." He begins to haul Steve up out of bed, and Steve is only halfway helping, dragging his feet along before Bucky gives up and scoops his boyfriend up in his arms, carrying him bridal style.

Steve giggles, still a little tired. "Aw,  my night in shining armour. "
Bucky grins and stoops down to kiss his forehead softly. "Well, I do have a gleaning metal appendage."

They finally reach the living room, which has tall green, decorated festively  tree in the center, and beneath it is a variety of packages adorned in colorful wrapping paper.

"I have presents for you too, Buck." Steve says as he settles himself down on the couch.

"Kay, but me first. " Bucky hands him a simple envelope.

Steve's eyebrows raise but he says nothing as he tears open the envelope. Bucky rolls his eyes at how carefully and slowly he opens it. His baby blue eyes widen at what's inside. "You got me an appointment for the tattoo shop?"

Bucky grins. "You've been talking about getting one for nearly a year and still didn't make yourself an appointment, so I did the honours. "

Steve's smiling brightly as he moves from the couch onto the floor beside Bucky. He wraps his arms around his boyfriend. "Thank you, Buck."

Bucky presses a kiss to his cheek. "Anything for my best guy."

A pink blush developes on Steve's face as he hands Bucky a small rectangular box. "This is for you."

Bucky tears the wrapping paper off of it to find a little box with the engraved name of one of the fancy jewelry stores downtown. "Classy, Steve." He chuckles. "But I'll have you know that pearl earrings just don't look good on me."

Steve rolls his eyes but smiles. "Just open it."

He does- and he finds two silver dog tags- one with a blue star and Steve's name engraved on it, and the other with a red star and Bucky's name. Bucky's silent as he gently runs his flesh thumb along the smooth metal.

"Turn in over," Steve chides softly.

He does as Steve said and finds that on both of them the words, "I'm with you 'til the end of the line."
Bucky doesn't know what to say, so Steve takes the one with the red star out of Bucky's hands and slips it over his head. "See, that way, I can have this one, and you can have the one with my name." His lips curl gently as a blush creeps onto his cheeks. "And we'll always have each other."

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