A Cold Winter's Night

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Steve was sick.


The frail young man could barely maintain any good health during the cold Winter months in Brooklyn.

So there he lay, in his and Bucky's shared apartment, huddled up on the couch, a thin blanket covering him.

Bucky walked in the apartment door, just getting home from one of his four jobs, and sighed at the sight of his ill friend.
He took off his shoes by the door and placed them by Steve's smaller shoes.

Then the man walked into the kitchen and put the tea kettle on the old gasoline stove.

He sat down at the kitchen table and watched his sleeping friend with pity.

Steve's small body shook underneath the tattered blanket. He would unconsciously pull it up further and further underneath his chin until it was only covering him from the waist up, then he would sleepily attempt to readjust it.

Bucky shook his head. Steve was too small to generate any body heat on his own.

The tea kettle whistled, and Bucky tore his gaze away from his friend.

He poured the hot water into a mug and added a green tea bag that he had bought earlier just for Steve. It cost him a day's wage, but oh well, it was for Steve.

He took the mug in his hands and walked over to the sofa where Steve lay, and softly nudged his friend.

Steve just turned over and groaned sleepily.

Bucky chuckled as he softly said, "Hey Stevie, wake up, would ya? "

The smaller man lazily opened his eyes, yawning.

Bucky grabbed his friend by the waist and propped him up against the arm of the sofa.

"What're you doin', Buck? " Steve asked, his voice still laced with tire.

Bucky handed Steve the hot cup of tea. "Drink this. You'll feel better. "

Steve said nothing as he took a small sip of the warm drink. He swished the liquid around in his mouth for a moment, tasting it, then swallowed. He took another sip, then asked, "How much did this cost? "

Bucky chuckled. "Does it matter, Stevie? You feel better, don't you? "

Steve nodded as he took another drink.

The brunette man sat down at the end of the couch and watched his friend sip gently on his tea.

He couldn't help but admire how good - even if small- looking Steve was.

Even when his face was pale with sickness, he seemed to glow surrealisticly. Even when his body shook from the cold, he still seemed graceful in Bucky's eyes.

Steve finished off his drink and then sat it down on the coffee table by the sofa, smacking his lips lazily. "Was good, Buck. Made me sleepy, though."

Bucky laughed as Steve tiredly closed his eyes, still sitting up.

Though warmer from the tea, Steve's frail body still shook erratically from the cold gusts of air that creeped in through the windows in their apartment that didn't quite completely close.

Bucky sighed as he gently picked Steve up bridal style and carried him into his room.

"What are ya doing? " Steve asked.

The other man softly smiled. "You can sleep in my bed tonight, Stevie."

Steve's sleepy blue eyes widened. "With you? " he asked, then giggled. "At least then I would be warm."

Bucky felt a blush creep up his neck, but smiled and shook his head. "That tea really made you tired didn't it? "

Steve giggled blissfully again as Bucky laid him down gently onto his twin sized bed and pulled a blanket over him.

"So you mean ya won't sleep with me, Buck? " Steve asked as he huddled himself deep under the blanket.

"You're tired, Steve, and you don't know what you're talking about. " Bucky replied sternly, but wished that wasn't the case.

Steve reached his small, cold hand up and put it on Bucky's forearm. "I'll be really cold here alone, Bucky. "

Bucky felt his breath get caught in his throat for a moment.
He was about to say no, but the way Steve's baby blue eyes peered up at him so innocently made him do the opposite.

Hesitantly, he took of his jacket and placed it next to Steve's body, giving him a little more warmth, then took off his pants to he was in his boxer shorts and tee shirt.

The man sat down on the bed, just then realizing how small it really was.

"Steve-" he started to say, before Steve grabbed him forcefully by the wrist (not really that forceful, but Bucky complied) and pulled him down next to him.

Steve took Bucky's right arm in his hands and put it around his own waist, and huddled close to Bucky, his face buried in the other man's strong chest.

"Stevie, what are you-"

"I'm just really cold, Buck. " Steve replied as he put his small arms around Bucky's neck. "I'll be warmer if you're up against me.

Bucky sighed as he wrapped both of his arms around the smaller man's waist.

He wished he could say that it felt unnatural and uncomfortable, laying there like that his best friend, but it felt so right.

His big hands fit perfectly into the curve of Steve's small waist, and Steve's arms could slide perfectly around his neck.

Bucky pulled his friend a little closer and decided that cuddling a cold, sick, Steve Rogers is one thing that he'd like to get used to.

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