Chapter 7 ~ Clues ~

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This chapter isn't edited. Sorry for any mistakes :(


Chapter 7 ~ Clues ~

Present Day

Logan's POV

I can't believe we didn't win. I can't let my cousin go to Prison. She was the only one who listened when I needed to talk about my birth parents. I shivered just thinking about them, horrible people. I felt a tear slide down my cheek as I watched her get pulled towards the door. She looked back at us and gave us a small reassuring smile, then she was gone. I felt terrible that I let her down. I know she acted strong but I could see right through it. I felt a hand on my shoulder but I couldn't bring myself to turn around. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

"You okay?" I recognized his voice. I waited for his punch but it never came. I opened my eyes to see Vince. He looked sad. "You did your best, that's all anyone can ask." I was surprised by what he said. He usually gets really mad when something happens to his twin. I sighed and turned back to the desk so I could collect my papers. "What are we going to do?" He sounded a little lost and that kinda scared me. Vince always was up to something, weather it was good or bad, but he never got in trouble with the law though.

"I honestly don't know. I thought we might of had a chance at the beginning but with every trail, it just seemed to get worse and worse without any solid evidence." I knew I was rambling but I couldn't help it. I turned back to look at Vince, only to see that twinkle in his eyes that only meant trouble. "What ever your thinking stop. Listen to what your sister said, let. the. professionals. handle it."

"Yes but you are a professional and you said yourself you didn't know what to do." I was about to reply but he cut me off. "No, just listen. Meet me at our house and we'll talk more about it." You can see that a plan was forming in his head.

"Fine. I'll meet you at your place in a couple of hours. I've got stuff to do about the case. I'll see you then." He nodded and walked back over to Uncle Jon and Aunt Sarah, his parents. I grabbed my briefcase and walked over to them as well. I leaned closer to them and whispered. "I'll see you all later. I will get her out free. I promise." I said determined. They all nodded and I walked out of the court house.

I waited until I was out on the open road until I pulled over. When this case started I've felt like I've been holding the weight of the world on my shoulders. Thinking over the whole case, I felt a wall crumble down. I felt hot tears run down my cheeks. She always felt more like a sister then a adopted cousin. I'm six years older then Ally and Vince but we have always been close. When my parents adopted me and brought me back to meet the family, to say it was awkward was an understatement, I remember everything that night.


I grabbed my new mothers hand cautiously, I wasn't quite sure weather she would reject me or not. I felt relieved when she held my hand tighter. I've lived in an orphanage since I was a week old, now I'm nine and a half and I have a new family. When I first met them, I thought they would go for someone younger. That was always my problem. I almost got adopted when I was three but they wanted a girl my age, it was either I wasn't the right age for them or the wrong gender. I was surprised when they said they would like me to be their new son. They were nice people and I knew that I was going to get along with them. I felt nervous when we walked up the driveway. Today I was meeting their family, my family. The door opened before we even got to knock and a nice woman stepped out. She engulfed me in a huge hug, then my new parents. She ushered us in and all the adults were talking, then all of a sudden they just stopped. It was very awkward. In the distance I could see brown hair bobbing up and down behind the table. The same person went under the table and came running up to me. She was about three and she had curly hair, one of her front teeth was missing when she smiled. It was contagious so I smiled back.

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