Chapter 2 ~ The Social ~

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This chapter isn't edited. Sorry for any mistakes :(


Chapter ~ The Social ~

I was in my room with Grace picking out my outfit for the school social. Apparently my jeans and t-shirt weren't good enough. I was laying on my bed bored. I was on my phone with Jason. He was already there so I would be meeting him there soon. Grace emerged from my closest with a dress in her hand. I started to protest but she cut me off. "Your wearing this to the social even if I have to put in on you myself." I know she would try and and put it on me so I sighed and reached for the dress. It was the dress I wore to my cousins wedding a few months ago. It was a blue strapless dress. It went just above my knees.There were a few ripples in it the waits of the dress hugged my curves.

"He wanted to brings some people over before the party because he's got some news. The we stay there and wait for other people to get there for the actual party." I sighed and shook my head. If Phil had to be a God it would Narcissus. He's so full of himself. I got out of my the clothes I was in and slipped on the blue dress. After it was on Grace dragged me to the bathroom. She did my hair in a messy bun with a few strands of my hair on the side of my face. I didn't let her put on to much make up. I had black eyeliner on and had a little blue and black eyeshadow. I put on some lip gloss and we were out of my room to her car. I grabbed my purse and gave my parents a kiss on their cheeks.

"Have a good time girls.' My mum said smiling. I loved it when she smiled.It was always contagious. The same goes when she's sad, it could bring down a whole room.

 "Don't get into trouble. If you need us we'll be home." my dad said in a stern voice but you could tell he was happy. Grace and I both nodded and walked out the door. I was jealous that she had a car but I'll get one soon. Hopefully. It was a medium size car. It worked well. I told Grace my Aunties saying. 'Funtion not fashion'.I got in the car and we headed off back to school. The car ride was pretty silent except the music that was playing. It was a comfortable silence and I was enjoying.

"So are you going to finally make a move on Jason?" I choked and opened my eyes to glare at Grace. She still had her eyes on the road but she was smirking.knowing she's got my attention.

"I thought we agreed to never mention this again."I said bluntly trying desperately to get to another subject.

"You agreed. You need to tell him, Ally. He can't wait forever." She turned her head and gave me a knowing smile. I don't know what she knew but I wasn't ready to find out. I shook my head.

"I can't lose his friendship. What if he rejects me? It'll never be the same and I can't have that.' She sighed Pulled up. I didn't even realised we had arrived at school. Grace turned to face me.

"You need to tell him. Like tonight maybe?" She's got a plan and that wasn't going to be good for me.

"We'll see." She smiled victoriously. I shook my head annoyed and got out of the car. Walked through the school doors and joined my friends.

All night Grace kept giving off hints and every time i would hit her. Jason kept on giving her weird looks. I knew he was getting suspicious. God when did my life get like this? One year we were playing with my Barbies and his trucks and then the next I'm in some story where I fell in love with my best friend. I shake my head at how cliche this all is. "Are you okay?" Jason asked. I nodded. "Come on.Let's get some fresh air." I smile wryly. We stood up and I looked back at Graces who was giving my a thumbs up. I shook my head and followed Jason outside.We stopped outside near the oval. He pulled me over to the benches. We sat there in silence for a few moments. I think Grace was right. He had to know. I just hope if he rejects me we can still be friends.

 Taking a deep breath I tried to think of how to put this. Mt nerves were through the roof. "Jason. There's something I need to tell you. It's really important to me so please just answer me truthfully Okay?" He nodded. He had a torn expression. I don't know why does but he's shown that face for a while now. I took another deep breath and let it out. "Well for a while now." I said trying to stall. he gestured to continued. "I um have  well you know. Ive err." Just rip it off like a band aid."I LIKE YOU!!" i didn't mean to yell at him I just needed it to get out. I looked at Jason fearful of the expression I might find. there were about four emotions i could see. one was shock as expected. second was surprise also as expected. Third was relief? Not expected and forth well I don't know. I know there was another emotion but I counln't tell what it was. Then out of no where he kissed me. It was different then I thought it would be. It was ten times better! His lips moved in sync with mine. They were hot, moist and undeniably perfect. He pushed me over so i was straddling him. He was biting my bottom lip asking for entrance. I opened my mouth more so he can explore. He messaged my tongue with his. It felt like I was in heaven. I never thought I would be doing this. We pulled away far to early for my liking. We were both panting heavily. His hand brushed my cheek and put my hair behind my ear. I was so happy at this moment I wanted it to last forever. Yeah I know this is a very cliched moment.

He looked me in the eyes and leaned forward to kiss my forehead. "I like you too." I knew I was grinning like an idiot but I couldn't help it.

"Hey lovebirds! We're going Phil's now." God only Vince could ruin such a good moment. I looked away embarrassed. Jason grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him. He gave me a peck on the lips. "Come on." He lifted me up so he can stand and put me back down. He grabbed my hand and lead me towards his car. I was distracted by the way his hand fit perfectly around mine when I remembered I came here with Grace. Speck of the devil. She was smirking. I stuck my tongue at her but she just smiled. She was about to say something but my brother cut her off.

"It's about time you two got together." He shook head and walked of with one of his friends. I stood their with my mouth open like a fool. What- who told him I like Jason?

'I'd close your mouth before you start to catch flies." Jason said with a smirk. I just glared at him.

"I'll see you too at the party." She gave me a quike hug and walked back to her car where stacie, our their friend, was waiting. She waved to me and I waved back. Was this Grace's plan?

"Come on, We've got a party to go to." I smiled at him and got in his car to go to the party.

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