"...we're going to have our yearly poetry slam in a few weeks people, so get excited!." Mrs. Robin says and it gets my attention. I love poetry slams, although I could never write one.

"You can read a poem, original or non original, sing a song, whatever, but I encourage you all to participate in this event. If you don't that's okay, I may be a little disappointed but I'll get over it." She says excitedly.

Mrs. Robin is a cool teacher, she has so much creativity in her head she's automatically likable.
"You can even do it with a partner!" She says, I glance over at Isaiah and see him glancing at me too and I turn away quickly.
Don't let his eyes hypnotize you Max, I think to myself.

For the rest of the class we work on a poem that we have to write, revise a bunch of times until it's perfect, and then recite at the end of the semester. I start to wonder if Isaiah will read that poem I stole from him earlier, from the little that I read it was good. I never thought someone like him would be into writing, then again, you can't judge a book by its cover.


When the bell rings Isaiah comes up to me and I walk faster towards​ the cafeteria, but he walks even faster and goes in front of me. I stop abruptly,
"Get out of my way, I'm walking here." I push him aside and continue to walk through the crowd. He comes up beside me and tries to match my speed.

"You should come and eat lunch with me." He says. I look at him and raise an eyebrow. I would never eat lunch with him, I'm supposed to be avoiding him. Without saying anything​ I walk into the girls bathroom.
"Hey! That was really rude you know!" I hear him say in the background. I laugh to myself and go into a stall.

I don't know how long I plan to stay in here, I don't want to go anywhere near the cafeteria. Too many stares, too many whispers, too many laughs, too much of everything. I need someone to help me through these 30 minutes of torture. I pull out my phone and text Nicole.

Me: Hey, what's up?
Her: Nothing much, wishing I was at lunch with you.
Me: Maybe I can change that??
Her: ...What are you up to?
Me: I just need to talk to you, get some things off my chest, meet me outside?
Her: I would be honored to skip study hall for you.
Me: Are you already in class?
Her: No I was in the bathroom, on my way now.
Me: okay see you there.

I walk out of the bathroom and down the hallway to the back of the school and outside to the benches. I see no sign of Isaiah so he must've given up on me. I see Nicole sitting on one of the benches and I go up to her.
"Hey bitch." She says to me when I sit next to her.

"Hey." I say back.
"Im so glad you wanted to talk, I feel like I never see you anymore." We live right down the street from each other, she just chooses not to come over.
"I know, we don't even have classes together this year." I was really upset when I found this out, I felt alone.
"For real, that's just bullshit, it's like they know were best friends and they purposely not put us in a class together, those assholes." I giggle at that.

"So what do you wanna talk about, tell me everything and don't hold back." She says getting excited for the drama. Shes such a drama junky.
"Ok, where do I even start?" I look at her.
"It's that bad huh?" I nod my head.
"Well start at the beggining." She says. So I start to tell her everything, about how alone I feel, about the yearbook thing and even about Isaiah.

Beautifully InsaneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora