Chapter Four

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No Song

Disclaimer: I do not own the Wizarding World or any of J.K. Rowling's characters/creatures.


Newt exits Hogwarts Express and observes the busy station of Hogwarts station. He sighs as people join their friends and start to walk towards the carriages. Looking up towards the mountain Hogwarts sat upon, Newt smiled. He would definitely try not to get expelled this year.

"Hey Huffledork move out of the way. Just because you don't have friends to meet doesn't mean other people don't either." Dmitri sneers at Newt as a couple of his friends laugh. Newt shakes his head, he doesn't see this as a worthy fight.

"Beat it Dmitri. You're just angry that he is a better chaser than you in Quidditch." Audrey pops up out of no where, defending her friend. It's as if she could sense a potential fight with a Slytherin a mile away.

"Audrey it's okay re-" Newt tries to calm her but she just gives him a wide eyed look, as if to say shut up.

"Here's Salamander's little lioness coming in to save him. It's pathetic really. Can't fight for yourself, Boot?" Dmitri tries to rile both of them up more. Audrey looks as if she were going to punch him straight in the nose and honestly she probably would.

"Fu-" Audrey begins but Newt quickly covers her mouth. He shakes his head and drags her off before anyone gets suspended.

"Honestly Newt, you've gotta stand up for yourself. If you don't then at least let me punch him for you." Audrey smirks as they both head off towards an empty carriage.

"It's better if you just don't add fuel to the flame. They're just words, I'm used to it." He climbs up and offers a hand to Audrey. She refuses it and gets up on her own.

"But you shouldn't have to be used to it. Look, stand up for yourself at least once this year alright? I won't take the standing up for the beasts as one either." Audrey sits across from Newt and looks expectantly at him.

"Alright, but only so this topic is finished." Newt nervously looks up as Audrey then looks away.

"This topic will probably never be finished." Audrey mutters to herself and she crosses her arms. An awkward silence develops the air as the carriage starts to move.

"You know there is a rumor that creatures called Thestrals carry these carriages." Newt looks over Audrey's shoulder towards where they would be at.

"Probably just another bogus rumor. Remember that rumor last year that Professor Dumbledore knew that Gellert Grindelwald? It's probably just like that."

"Um, I don't know..." Newt began before Audrey scoffed.

"Don't tell me you believe those stupid rumors?! How would Dumbledore even know Grindelwald, with that other rumor that he never left his house because his mother beat him." Audrey rolled her eyes, "Honestly, everything is just completely bogus these days."

"You have your thoughts and I have mine. If the Thestrals to exist, I would love to know more about them." Newt began as he hesitantly looked at Audrey. Seeing that she wasn't going to interrupt him he continued on, "Like what do they look like, what do they eat, is it true that you have to see someone close to you die in order to see them, are they nocturnal, things like that." Newt sighed dreamily and put his head in his hand as he looked off in the distance.

"If someone close to you did have to die, and you had to watch it, would you have that happen just so you can see them?" Audrey asked with a bored tone. She just wanted Newt to continue to talk so she wouldn't have to.

"Well, I suppose no. If someone that can see them already could draw me a picture then I would be set. They must be beautiful."

"Or so ugly that they are invisible to those with happiness."

"I believe I'd see them beautiful either way." Newt says as the cart stopped. Both Audrey and him grab their suit cases and exit the carriage. Audrey turns around and bows to the carriage.

"Oh thank you magical creatures that carried us to our school. May you forever find peace knowing no one will ever believe in you." Audrey says sarcastically. She turns around and continues to walk.

"You Gryffindor's and your weird sense of pride." Newt mutters to himself as he runs to catch up with Audrey.

They both head up the stairs into Hogwarts and set their luggage down at the very top. Newt pulls Audrey into a hug before they both made their way to their house tables.

"See you tomorrow. Hopefully your sarcasm will tone down a bit." Newt smiles at Audrey.

"My sarcasm only rises as the world gets stupider. You can quote be on that." Audrey winks at him as she turns and sits down at the Gryffindor table.

Newt goes over to the Hufflepuff table and finds an open spot with people who don't necessarily hate him. He glances around the talkative room and spots Leta. She's laughing as a Slytherin girl starts to tell her already about all the gossip that happened on the Hogwarts Express. It seemed that every time Newt looked over or spotted Leta that she was laughing. Everyone starts to get quieter as first years walk into the room. They all look up towards the bewitched ceiling and seemed to gasp in amazement. Newt remembered when he first came to Hogwarts-

Newt made his way into the Great Hall for the first time. His attention was first drawn to the ceiling that looked like a sky, it was beautiful. He hoped he would get put into the same house as that Leta Lestrange, he talked with her the entire way here and she seemed funny. The only problem was that Newt came from a family that mostly got sorted into Gryffindor and Hufflepuff.... That puts a little bit of pressure onto Newt. He was pretty sure that Leta's family mostly was sorted into Slytherin. If either of them did happen to somehow get in the same house, then they'd be a disappointment. Oh well. It is what it is. He jumped when he heard his name be called,

"Newt Scamander" The professor calls. Newt cautiously walks up to the Sorting Hat and sits on the stool.

"Ahh... Yes... Another Scamander. Smart I see, brave but not brash. Loyal... And honest! I know where to put you.... Hufflepuff!"

Newt smiled as he went over to join the table filled with cheering children.

When Newt was having his flashback he didn't realize that the entire sorting went by. Once he and everyone else finished their meals, they all went to their dormitories.


This was creepy as shit.... I decided 'hey I haven't wrote in a while, I'll make it up to you and made this 1100 long word chapter but write when I hit 998 words a creepy foot step/door closing noise started to play on Wattpad. I'm face timing a friend when writing this cause I'm really terrified. Anyways, I figured I'm going to somehow get that one idea into this story. Thank you for reading! (Update: Voting makes me write and update faster, it let's me know that my chapters are appreciated. Sorry about all of these notifications going off and stuff but I finally got a computer to write on so I'm putting the cast on here and fixing some grammar/things I meant to put in here. Thank you for understanding!)

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