Chapter One

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Song #1: Intro by The XX

Disclaimer: I do not own the Wizarding World or any of J.K. Rowling's characters/creatures.


A sandy-haired boy in black and yellow robes begrudgingly enters Platform 9 3/4. In his hands is a normal looking brown case, a chocolate frog card, and a cage with a brown barnyard owl in it. He looks around the station in search for a certain black haired girl. Leta Lestrange is laughing at something a Malfoy has said. What the said Malfoy's first name is? Newt did not know or care.

"Hello lover boy" a Scottish accent says from behind him. Newt tenses up.

"Oh, hey Audrey." Newt replies sadly, trying to blow off his sound of disappointment when he realizes that was not Leta.

"Oh wow. Don't start to jump over me enthusiastically. Contain your excitement please."

"Your sarcastic remarks never cease to amaze me" Newt smiles and chuckles.

"Whatever lover boy, let's get on the train before I throw up from the amount of lustful gazes you are giving Leta."

"I am no-"

"Don't deny it love boy, it's a stage."

"Don't call me that."

"Whatever you wish-" Audrey looks over at him and smirks, "-lover boy." She quickly jumps onto the train giggling.

Newt sighs and looks down, losing the smile. He unhurriedly looks over to the place Leta was but to discover she was gone. Newt's eyes shoot open and his eyes dart all over the platform. From the corner of his eyesight he sees Leta being pulled behind a column. Gasping, his eyes some how go wider. He contemplates on whether he should go over there or not. Coming with his conclusion, he rushes over to 'save' Leta.

"Hey! Let her-" his eyes widen as he sees Leta, his crush, snogging Slytherin beater Dmitri Blasher. "-go..."

Dmitri stops snogging her for a second and somehow growls. Leta is wiping her lips and is slowly gaining red in her cheeks from embarrassment. In this second, Newt realizes his mistake and considers if he should run or not.

"Huh? Want me to let her go? What'd you think I was doing? Huh Huffledork?"

"I-I'm sorry... I-I thought that maybe you uh-" Newt licks his lips nervously, "-pulled her back here against her will and u-um I was... Yeah..."

"You're going to get it Salamander." Dmitri raises his fist to punch Newt in the face but Leta quickly intervenes.

"Hey, Dmitri. Let's just let it go. Our third-year hasn't even started yet. Anyways-" She smirks at him and a glimmer of seduction gleams in her eyes, "-we still have all year for this."

Dmitri smirks and puts his arm around Leta's waist. "You're lucky Huffledork. This doesn't mean that you're safe though. Might want to watch your back, a werewolf could bite you in your sleep." He smirks as Leta pulls him away and onto the train.

"It-" Newt sighs and looks down, "It was a ghoul."

The train whistles and Newt gets onto it just in time before it starts moving. He sighs and finds his cabbie with Audrey, another Gryffindor, and a Hufflepuff sitting in it. They all seem to be laughing as the Gryffindor tries to catch a chocolate frog that is bouncing around. He smiles a bit and opens the door to get in.

This was not how he wanted this year to start.


So this was a bit shorter than I wanted but I think it will do. Willow isn't going to come in for a couple chapters because I don't want to rush this book. I can't believe people have already voted and viewed this book in the first two chapters so that's a nice surprise. I apologize if my writing is absolutely dreadful. The more views, votes, and comments I get means the faster I write. Hope you will continue to read my book!

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