"That was relaxing don't you think" I ask him while happily drying my body with the towel.

"Aside from how sexually frustrated I am, then yes it was" he replies sarcastically making me chuckle.

"Guess we're even then" I spoke nonchalantly while pulling on my undergarments.

"What do you mean love" Ivan asked me confused coming over once he was half dressed.

"Remember yesterday" I reply pointedly having a flashback of yesterday in the closet. Realization crosses his features once he puts two and two together. I smirk at him before leaving him to pull on my dress and shoes.

For today, I decided to go for a casual look, choosing a creme colored dress that had pastel tones on it. For shoes, I decided on a pair of flats, not in the mood to walk around in heels all day. I put my in a side braid, taking out pieces to frame my face. Walking back out, I see Ivan fully clothed while tying his tie around his neck. I walk over to the bed and take a seat deciding on going bare faced today. Once he's done, he shrugs on his coat before turning to look at me with a nervous look.

"There's a gala coming up in a week in honor of a friend of mine and I was wondering if you'd like to accompany me as my date" he asks, nervously running his fingers through his hair awaiting my response. I ponder the idea of going to the gala with Ivan, which would possibly cause an uproar in the media and have people bubbling with curiosity.

"I'd love to go with you to the gala Ivan" I tell him and watch as his nervous expression changes to one of relief. He picks me up and spins me a few times making me giggle. He sets me down gently on the ground, our expressions mirroring our content.

"Did you think I'd say no" I ask him curiously wanting to know why he was surprised at my compliance.

"To be honest, yes I did because you're always telling me how much you dislike being in the public eye and I was bracing myself for your answer" he tells me sobering up and I nod in understanding.

"Although I really do hate being the center of attention, I've come to terms with dating a well known CEO and I will try my best to keep up with your hectic life even if it means getting out of my comfort zone more than I already have. I will support you for however long you allow me to" I confess to him walking over and placing my arms around his neck to show him my support.

"You're truly an angel mia cara" he tells me grinning before leaning down to capture my lips in a kiss. I smile as our lips move together in unison, the passion we had for each other evident. I pull away and lean my forehead against his taking the time to take in his expression. 

"We should get going now" I whisper to him reluctantly and he nods taking my hand as we walk down the stairs to the front door. I step out and wait as Ivan locks the door before continuing to make our way to the limo. Getting in, I scoot over a bit to give Ivan some room but snuggle up to him once he's sitting down. I breathe in his scent and smile as he wraps his arms around my waist.

"Who's your friend that's being honored at the gala next week" I ask him wanting to get more information about his circle.

"Her name is Simone Pierre and she's being honored for her charitable work abroad. She's been traveling the world to donate to the less fortunate and working with them to better their communities. Not to mention she's also a well known model" he fills me in and I gape at the knowledge.

"She seems like my kind of gal" I tell him smiling before adding "what's the color scheme for ensembles" wanting to know what I should wear to the gala.

"The colors are gold and maroon but no worries, I can have a dress custom made for you" he says dismissively and I shake my head.

"It's fine, I have a dress in mind I can wear that way it'll be a surprise" I tell him with a wink as the car slows down to a stop in front of Stone Industries. Ivan gets out and extends a hand for me to take as I get out of the limo. We walk into the building together but part ways as I go to grab him a coffee. Walking through the cafe, I wait in line and quickly order, grabbing the hot beverage once it was ready. As I was walking through the cafe and back to the lobby, I'm approached by Melissa.

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