christmas shopping | m. yoongi

Start from the beginning

"Okay, we are here. Now buy that Christmas shit you want."
My ears jerked up before scanning my eyes to shop to shop.

Whipping out my phone I quickly opened my notes app. "Yes! Okay, first on the list! is a.. Christmas Tree in white! Next is decorations.." Scanning my eyes down the list til I got to the bottom, "Lastly is.. Presents!"

"Ugh." He emphasised on the 'gh', "The final one is gonna be fun!" Sarcasm hinting in his tone.

"Hey!" I slapped his arm playfully before grinning. "Don't be such a spoil sport! We still need to get gifts for the guys as well. Also when I say 'we' I meant you."

"Can't you just buy them for me? I'll do the honours of signing my name and writing 'Merry Christmas!' on the cards." He grinned before shrugging his shoulders.

"No, you lazy butt hole. Anyway! Look at these nice shops! These will be perfect stores for the guys!"

14 stores later




Just ignore him [name], maybe he will go away.


"[name]", he continued

"[na-" I groaned loudly before pausing and then turning my body around to face the man.

"What is it?!" I clenched my teeth together, clearly annoyed.

"When are we done? My arms are getting tired. I mean I know my muscles are strong but they aren't freaking metal." He complained, pausing in between some words as he struggled to carry the 8 shopping bags that were held in his petite hands.

"Aiiiishh! We're almost done okay? Just a few more stores!"

"Can't you just get them underwear or something?..." He debated back, quite loudly.

A few heads turned towards you after those words spouted out of his mouth. Whispers and giggles ran throughout the tiny little area you and Yoongi were situated.

"Heh.. Please don't mind us." I sweat dropped before waving my hands about and then dragging Yoongi to the side.

"Yoongi! You can't say that stuff so loud!" I whisper-shouted.

"Why not? I say that I fu-" I quickly covered his mouth with my hands before he could say something very, very inappropriate. Especially since there were six year olds hanging around.

"Yoongi! What did I just say?" I dropped my hands from his mouth before crossing my arms.

"Not to be loud, you didn't say that I could say that out loud. I wasn't being loud, I was at an average volume. Not my fault if there was kids at a five meter radius from me." He pulled a dead-pan face before shrugging.

I face palmed in annoyance. Why did I even ask him to come Christmas Shopping with me?

at home

"Finally finished the tree, house decorations, gift wrapping and writing the Christmas cards!" I plopped down on the soft sofa before letting out a heavy but relieved sigh.

"Great work." I turned my head around to face the voice, revealing Yoongi with two mugs in his hand. Both filled with hot chocolate and marshmallows.

"Mmmm, thank you Yoongi!" I gently grasped the mug in my hands before blowing the heat out of my mug.

"So, what did you get the guys then?" I titled my head in question.

"Well... I got a lot of them some underwear, clothes, food and some random cheap shit."


"Hey! At least I spent the time to buy them. Also it isn't about the gift, it's the thought that counts!" He debated back while raising his posture and head position to make himself seem more 'glorious'.

"You cant steal quotes from the internet Yoongi. Also you didn't even wrap them! I did!" I scoffed.

"I wrote the card at least."

"No you didn't I did. All you did was add a little drawing of a Christmas tree at the back of the card."

"At least I drew something."

"There was already a cute penguin at the back of the card."

"Oh well. Too late now to change it!" He smirked as he placed himself next to me.

"Hmm... How about we cuddle for a few hours? As an extra bit of my reward for going Christmas shopping with you" I smiled.

"Wait! Why do you get the reward? I'm meant to be the one who gets the reward, I suffered hours of carrying those heavy bags!" He pouted.

"Well yes, but I had to put up with your whiney ass attitude" I snarled back.

"Fine." He cuddled up next to me as we pulled a blanket over ourselves to keep warm.

I pressed the TV remote as 'Elf' started playing.



"You're the present to my life. Always full of surprises, and when I open them; no matter what I get... I'll always love it. Like how I love you."

[END] - [ 1212 ]

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keep smiling & remember to spread joy around you! ღ

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