Chapter XII: Borrowed Time

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Chiaki's POV:

"This is yummy!" Yuki said as she took a bite of the grilled fish. "Try it, Aki!"

Lunch for us this day wasn't in the okiya as usual. A restaurant near it served as an alternative instead.

I would have loved to partake of the food before me to my heart's content. My body decided otherwise, however.

To eat or to rest? At the moment, I would choose the second without any hesitation.

"Is that so?" I replied. "I'll skip for the moment, I guess " Just a bit more, and I might pass out from exhaustion.

Bear it, Aki. You wouldn't want Yuki to worry.

Too late, it seems. Before I could make sense of what is happening, she was already in front of me. Staring with undisguised anxiety.

"Aki, you look pale. Are you ill?" It's nothing shocking if I really was.

A hectic day-to-day routine. A brutal training regimen.Between these two, me succumbing to sickness shouldn't come as a surprise.

"I'm fine," I said. Which didn't convince her a bit. There was no time for me to protest when she placed a hand on my forehead.

"Do you have a fever?" I don't think so. "Should we go see a doctor?"

That's Yuki for you. She is not open to most people. But to those she is close to, she is a friend for keeps.

"Thank you for your concern," I replied. "But there's no need for that now."

"Are you sure?" Yuki, quit worrying already. "Maybe you need to take it easy."

Perhaps I should. However, now's not the time...

A crease marred Yuki's features while she enclosed my hand in hers. "Aki, why are your hands so rough?"

Dang, she noticed even that. "Be honest, is there something I need to know?"

"It's b-because..." I stuttered. "I'm sorry, but I can't tell it to you now." Not in the meantime.

"Don't you trust me?" Hurt flashed through her face as she uttered these words.

"Of course I do! I always have and always will!" I said, hugging her tightly. It's best if you don't know anything now, Yuki.

"You'll tell me when you're ready then?"she insisted. Do I even have options when it comes to her?

"I promise, Yuki."I answered. "Trust me."

"Okay," she said, her face lighting up in joy. She's fine already. Good for her.

"Let's eat?" I offered, itching to end our topic for now.

"Itadakimasu!" Yuki said, picking up her chopsticks. Aa we had our meal, the events of the past few weeks replayed in my mind.

This wasn't the first time I was doing this. "Get a hold of yourself," I kept telling myself.

My heart kept on pounding though, as I contemplated on the consequences of being caught.

"Stop thinking negatively. You can do it." Backing out was not an option at this point.

A jolt roused me from my musings. "Ouch!" Had I bumped into a wall?

"Watch where you're going!" How rude. Facing towards the source of the voice, I prepared to tell its owner off. Manners, anyone?

"I'm sorry," I began to say. "No need to-" Is it me or do I have the worst luck today? My hood slipped off my head, exposing my face.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2017 ⏰

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