Chapter IV: Love or Hate, Which Is It? (Part II)

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Renji's POV:

            Ah, this is the life. A beauty clinging to me on each side... A bounty of food and sake overflowing... With these things, what more could a man want?

           There's one thing I still desire. The company of my bestfriend, Hajime. My day wouldn't be complete if I don't get on his nerves at least once.

          "Hmm... I wonder where he is?" I mused to myself, scanning the room for that all too familiar indigo hair

          For goodness' sake, Hajime where the heck are you? Oh, there he is. Kneeling at the corner of the room and  sporting an "I'm-so-freaking-bored" look on his face.

          Time to approach my prey. But first.... "Excuse me, ladies. I'm afraid I have to leave you for now," I said. "There's someone I need to be with at this time." Before they could even utter a protest, I was already walking away from them.

          "Oi Hajime! Calling Earth to Hajime!" I said, while casually draping an arm over his shoulder. A startled look flashed on his face for the slightest bit.Guess who's lost in his own world again?

          "What the fuck was that stunt?" he quietly said, with annoyance dominating the tone of his voice.

          "Just my special 'Rouse Hajime out of his dreamworld' greeting," I replied. Haha, he must have been thinking about something so intently for him to actually swear at me.

          "Do me a favor, Renji" he continued. "Let me have some peace tonight." Oh, I will, Hajime. But not at this moment.

         "No can do," I teasingly said, coupling it with an ear-splitting grin. "You know I couldn't bear to be away from you," I mentioned, as dramatically as I could.

          "Why do I even bother?" he said, an exasperated expression forming on his face. Yes, I also wonder why he does.

          I sat down beside him, despited his silent protest. Now, for the next part of my "Annoy Hajime this night" plan.

          "Having fun yet, Hajime-kun?" I whispered in his ear. " You've had your fair share of maikos and geikos drolling over you."

          If it was even  possible, the scowl on his face grew even darker. "Have them all if you want. I don't need someone to satisfy my lust now," he replied, sending me a death glare

          Plan's working well, shall I say? "Kidding... Stop being so uptight, will you?" I said. "We're here to relax and enjoy ourselves."

          "Yeah right, Ren. It seems like you're already enjoying a bit too much," he added. Man, I think my flushed face and tipsy posture gave me away.

          Yeah, I may be drunk but all my senses are all working properly. It would take more than just a few bottles of sake to knock me out.

          "Oh cut it out, will you Hajime-kun? You, of all people, need to learn how to goof off once in a while."

          "Suit yourself, Ren. Do what you want." Oh that I will, Hajime. That I will.

        Good-bye, peaceful night. That thought was written all over Hajime's face as I continued to observe him. Hold up... I'm not a mind-reader or something. He' just so easy to read sometimes.

          "Hush, Ren. It's time for the maikos and geikos to introduce themselves to us." Typical Hajime behavior... Prim and proper, dare I say?

          "Why do I need to shut up?" This freaking ceremony is for us to know the maikos and geikos in a formal setting. That isn't my style, though. "I already had the pleasure of meeting most of them," I grumpily said.

          "Coming from a die-hard womanizer like you, that's not so surprising," Hajime countered. "Now, kindly  pipe down and let the ladies do what they have to."

          As always, a neutral expression accompanied his words. The almost imperceptible smile hanging off his lips told a diferent story though. Shut up, it said OR ELSE.

          Oh well, there's no harm in indulging him this moment. I'll keep quiet. But, most assuredly not for too long.

          "Gentlemen, may I present to you the maikos and geikos of the Kiku teahouse?" The person who was currently speaking was the headmistress of the ladies our master had hired to entertain us tonight.

          And so, the maikos and geikos began to introduce themselves to us. My suspicions were right. I do know most of them, by face at least. As for their names? Never mind...

           *Yawn* Hajime was mostly right. Affairs like this gets mind-numbingly boring. Is there no one who would pique my interest here?

          Or maybe there is... Make it maybe  there are... Time to take a look.

(A/N: Hello again, my dear readers. Another chapter just for you after quite sometime.

          My sincere apologies for the slow updates of my stories. From now hence, I resolve to update on a more regular basis. Updates will be either in Fridays or Saturdays.

          This chapter is dedicated to carillo1992. Her enthusiasm with the story and its characters plus her kind comments fuels me to continue and improve my writing.

          Enjoy reading minna and have a good morning/afternoon/evening wherever you are. See you soon.)




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