Storm of Memories

Start from the beginning

My eyebrows knitted together and my lips pursed into a thin line as I frowned in annoyance. 'Juliet?! The hell I'd be!' I screamed in my thoughts.

I heard some of the boys cheered not having to deal with lengthy lines to memorize while the girls whined wishing to be Juliet. I planned to poke the girl in front of me since she was one of the girls who whined wanting to be Juliet thinking maybe I could ask to switch with her. I dont care what role just not this naive, martyr, and pitiful character. However when I was reaching the girls shoulder Cy leaned in and nudge my shoulder. " Hey, whatcha got?" she asked me giddily.

I glared at her for making me remember and she frowned in confusion. Her face lit up and she flashed a goofy grin at me. I ignored her and tapped the girl in front of me, Anna, on her shoulder.

Anna look over to me with a questioning look. "Switch with me!" I whisper shouted at her.

She frowned and shake her head. " No, Tadashi- sensei said NO switching roles or we will get a grade dimerit." Anna whispered back.

"Yeah," Cy budge in. " Got that by pure luck. Deal with bad luck." She said laughing her heart out.

I frowned at her and looked at Anna. " Please. You want to be Juliet right?" I whispered to her. Her eyes widen and sparkled. I think I got her. Yes, Im sav--

"You're Juliet!!" Anna squealed as she cupped her blushing cheeks. My mouth hang open as I look at her in disbelief. She just yelled that I got the role of the naive, suicidal girl. Now, how am I supposed to switch with her!

"Oh! So Sorano got the Juliet role. How lucky!" Tadashi- sensei said gleefully and the girls agreed. Lucky? How am I lucky?! I got the most troublesome role that I wished I never have picked in the first place.

I looked at Anna accusingly while I heard Cy snickering in the background. Anna just smiled sheepishly at me and mouthed a 'Sorry'. I sighed and buried my face on my arms that were resting on my desk.

" Who got Romeo, then?" Our homeroom teacher asked my classmates. I did not bother to look who got who since I am sulking at my harsh fate.

"Got it." An emotionless voice said and then the girls squealed. The voice is familiar to me, but, please dont let it be that guy. I dont think I can handle his jerky attitude.

" Alright! Sorano and Kimura got the lead roles. Time for the supporting charac..." Tadashi- sensei's voice was drowned by my scream in my head. I quickly raised my head and looked over to my side, seeing a smirking jerk.

"Let's get along with this." He smiled mockingly.

'Great. How lucky can I get?' I asked myself sarcastically.


"Bri!!!" Cy yelled as she shook me out of my trance. I look at her questioningly. "Don't space out here! You're up in..." She looked at the backstage set up. "NOW!" She yelled as she yanked me up and pushed me to the direction of the stage set up with ancient buildings and other infrastructures.

I breathe in air deeply and then let the airs out of my lungs harshly. " Okay, lets end this quick." I muttered to myself.

"Hah!" I heard a scoff behind me. I look over my shoulder and saw Kimura- san in a very complicated 16th century attire. He wore a white long sleeved polo topped with a gray striped buttoned down vest and topped again with a thick red blazer with golden linings. His pants were in a cream color with knee high boots which seemed to be tied up from the ankles and ends just below each knee. His attire was finished with a dangling sword on his side. I must admit he looks dashing. "Like what you see?" He said snapping me from my daze.

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