Past to the present

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To be honest I felt like not wanting to finish this book anymore because of the first ever comment I read. But, then I thought its actually a bliss that someone reads this and told me on the problem I need to work on and so to you dear reader. Thank you for your opinion and I hope I did better this time. Pls enjoy and lemme hear your thoughts. :)

♣♣♣ means dream

*** timeskip


' 'for thoughts




"Fine, I dont care. Leave!" He yelled as he gazed at me with those eyes laced with hatred and anger.

'No. Please listen.. I'm sorry!' I tried to speak but my voice wouldn't come out.

"Glad you planted it with that thick head of yours."

'Wait was that me talking? What am I saying? Why am i hurting him?' I thought as I saw his once shining blue eyes turned dull and lifeless. He looked at me with hateful eyes before it slowly turn into emotionless blue orbs.

"Yeah. Goodluck with your stupid life!" He hissed at me bitterly and turned his back on me. He walked away and I saw him slowly disappearing into the darkness.

'No!! Wait, don't go!' I screamed but still no words came out. I chased him and tried to pull his arm to-


"Owww!" I complained as my blurry vision coped up with my environment. I scanned where I was. I notice my feet hanging on my bed as my back layed on the cold hard floor. I fell out of my bed, obviously. "This is the third time this week!" I complained and stood up. I glance at the clock on my bedside table and it reads 6:57 am. I sighed and went to the bathroom to prepare myself to school.


I rest my forehead on the tiled wall of my bathroom as I felt the cold relaxing water drifted through my body. For the past two months I always dreamt of the dream where I fell in the pit but these past two weeks, the new dream is bugging me. I don't understand what's happening to me.


"Why!" He asked hurt as he grabbed my wrist.

"Fine! Leave!"

"Hope your happy" He said and smiled bitterly as his eyes grew cold and lifeless.


I opened my eyes to stop the dreams from flowing back to my mind. But I know better. Those aren't dreams. Those are memories. The thing I'm not sure of is if it was mine. Who am I kidding? Of course it's mine. Why would I dream of somebody else's memory. I remembered the pained blue eyes the guy used to look at me. My heart squeezed in pain and  suddenly I felt like I was out of breath. "Who was he? Why couldn't I remember him?" I closed my eyes as I felt hot liquid escaped my eyes. He looks so sad that it hurts my heart.


I walked upstairs to get to my class when I suddenly felt dizzy. I missed a step and I knew I would fall but when I was about to fall a firm hand held mine and pulled me back to stand up straight. I looked at the owner of the hand to thank him and I saw Kimura-san looking back at me with dead eyes.

"Thank you Kimura-san." I bowed a little and I heard him click his tongue. I look at him again and I saw his irritated face. I tilted my head in confusion. 'Did I just say something wrong?'

He then regained his usual deadpanned face and said, "You're clumsy. What if I wasn't around and you hurt yourself?"

My head throbbed again in pain. I gripped my hair to cease the pain but it only grew more painful. I held onto Kimura-san's sleeve as a flash of event played in my mind.

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