A memory of nightmares

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So here goes my crap.

*** for timeskip.

--- for a message

So yeah enjoy..


I looked around trying to remember where I am but all I saw was darkness. Surrounding me, trapping me. I raised my hand trying to reach something and then I fell. It was a long fall in a lightless pit. The next thing I know was a feel of water hitting my body and drowned me, then a flash of light flickered and I simply stare at it. It came to me and I held it in my palms. It was warm bringing me nostalgic feeling I closed my eyes feeling its warmth that flutters my heart.

"Why?" I shut my eyes open as I heard the voice of a familiar person. I looked around me and saw nobody. I felt my feet touch a soft ground and I look down to confirm it. I did reach the bottom of this endless sea of darkness. It felt cold. I embraced the light in my palms clinging to its warmth. Then I heard the voice again. "Why Bri?" I moved the light away and inspect it. There I saw a scene I know but could not recall.

The light burst causing me to close my eyes. When I felt the light was gone I slowly opened my eyes and saw a man standing in front of me. I felt pain stung my heart as I saw his pain reflecting in his eyes as he stared down to me. "Why would you hurt me like this?" His voice laced with hate pain and anger as I tried to see his face but the only thing visible was his pained blue eyes staring at me.

I felt my eyes water and tried to reach him but all I saw was my hand reaching up to the peach ceilings in my room. I sat on my bed and blinked. I looked around me and stopped at the clock to check the time. It was 6:00 in the morning. "Its a dream." I stood up from my bed and stretched. "I hate that dream" I said as I walk to the bathroom to take a bath.


I filled the tub with water and poured my favorite bubble bath powder. I mixed it and after seeing enough bubbles I dipped inside the tub. I placed my arms in each sides of the tub and rested my head as well. I closed my eyes and I saw the guy again with those pained expression. I shut my eyes opened and dipped my mouth part on the water of the tub.

'Why do I always dream of that guy. I don't even know him!' I asked myself again, but it seems like I know him and that I caused his pain. A pang of pain strucked my chest and I placed my clenched fist at the part where my heart lies. 'It hurts. His sad face pains me.. Why?' I asked myself though I know I cannot answer.

A ring coming from my bedroom snapped me out of my daze. I sighed and finished my bath. After I dressed up with my school uniform I went to my bedside table and picked my phone. I flipped it open to read the message my best friend sent me 30 minutes ago.


Hey! Where are you. You promised me you'll come to pick me up so we could both come to school together on the first day.

Don't tell me you overslept or I'll strangle you!!

-Cy (pronounced as sigh)


"Oh crap! I forgot about that." I quickly gather my stuffs and went downstairs. I picked up my school shoes and went straight to the door. 'No time for breakfast I guess.' I thought as I glanced at my wristwatch. I finished wearing my shoes and open the door. I went outside and locked the door again and ran to the house just in front of mine. "Hope she wont throw me her tantrums"

I knocked the door and a few minutes later it shut open and revealed a petite girl puffing her cheeks. "You're late!" She accused and I flashed her an apologetic smile.

"Uhm.. sorry?" you said to her and scratch the back of your neck.

She smiled and said, "Its okay. Let's go? The bus will be leaving after 10 minutes." She said and dragged me out of their porch.

When we have rode the bus she handed me a sandwich. I look at her questioningly. "Chicken sandwich. I'm sure you haven't had breakfast."

I smiled and took the sandwich from her hands. "Thank you Cy."

"Yeah, dont sweat it." She said waving her hand to emphasize what she said.

I just nodded and unwrapped the sandwich, taking a bite I asked her. "Hey, if you dream of the same exact thing every night, what does that mean?"

She looked at me. "A thing, a place or a person?"

"Uh, a person?"

"What you not sure?"

"Tsk!" I clicked my tongue and rolled my eyes. "Cmon, a person okay!" I said irritated.

"Hmm, tell me more about this dream." She demanded.

I sighed and told her my dream. "and then a guy comes up looking at me painfully and asking me 'why?'. I dont know him but it felt like I do. Yeah, what do you think?" I asked as I finished my story.

She laughed and looked at me. "You're a douche in the dreams as well, that's what I think." She said jokingly and I stare at her with blank eyes. "Okay. Perhaps you know this guy in your dreams and that's a piece of a memory you wanted to forget."

The bus stopped at their new school and we went down and walked to the school. "Aren't you listening? I said I don't know him." I said in a matter of a fact tone.

"And aren't you listening as well? I said it's a piece you wanted to forget." She retorted. "You see if this guy appear on your dreams then you know him. You know that dreams works through your subconscious, right? You dont have to believe me though. Just my theory."

I looked at her and smiled. Maybe she's right but I wonder why I would forget him. What might be the reason. I shrugged it off and went to the announcement boards to know where my homeroom classroom is. Luckily, Cy and I are classmates the whole time.


Yup. Second day of my pledge and a thousand words is off. 9000 left. Yay! Hope you liked this. I just write it as it came to my mind. Wait for the next chapters guys.

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