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The endless fight between the Chaos Kin's waves felt forever, but not for long. With Pittoo at my side and Viridi backing both of us up, victory was within our reach. We all knew it, we all felt it.

"Filth of the land, hear our words!" I began, filling the soulless battlefield with my war cry. "And see our actions!" Pitto began. His normal facade erupted with ambition. I grinned almost to the point of laughing. "I am Pit, servant of the goddess of light!" "And I am Dark Pit, servant to no other than myself!" "Together we will rain death upon you!" we joined, filling our hearts from the heat of battle. "So anyone who wants to die, step right up!" Pitto taunted. "And anyone who doesn't want to die, too bad!" "AWW YEAH!" We both finish. I could feel Viridi's sarcasm.

"Nice speech guys, did you spend all your time writing it? Or was it your weird twin connection calling?" We didn't care, we made one heck of a speech and delivered it with power. We soon defeated the rest of wave thirteenth and were getting ready for the final boss, the Chaos Kin.

The floor cracks, revealing the bug-like creature. "Look who decided to show up," Pittoo smirks, readying his weapon. "It's game over Chaos Kin!" I proudly provoke. Its wings fluttered as it tries to make its way away from us. "Here let me help!" A nature force field blasts it back toward us. "There, that will make it easier for you." "Thanks, Viridi, you're always thinking." I applauded

We both split off in different directions, it choose me as the target. I swiftly maneuver my way back and forth, causing the Chaos Kin to lose sight of me. When that happened we then plunge into battle killing this creature once and for all.

With the Chaos Kin being an all-bad and evil creature, it was stupid, very stupid. It fell in the Electro Trap that Viridi placed in the first few seconds, thus making it an easy defeat. "Haw-Yeah." Pittoo laughs as he smites the creature, killing it. The creature literally explodes leaving only remains of a disgusting soul-harvester. I watch in relief as the Palutena's soul orb is gently placed where it should belong, in her petrified body.

Her skin heals from a stone grey to a healthy pale. She gasped for air, "Pit." Pleasure and Happiness washed over me. She was okay, she was going to be okay. Thank the gods, "I'm so relieved you're OK." But that bond was very short-lived.

Before I could say anything heroic, I could hear Pittoo scream in pain. Desperate, as I look for him, I only see scattered black feathers falling off the platform. He had fallen. "Oh no. PITTOO!" I lung in after him. My tunic catches the wind as I plummet to save my brother.

He was thrashing, fighting against what looked like a pile of ash. But I knew what that was, it was the Ashes and remains of the creature, the Chaos Kin.

"Viridi, I need to fly!"I ordered reaching out my hand, hoping that I could reach him. Not like this, not now. I needed to get in closer. "You already used the power of flight! Don't you remember? If I enable it now your wings will catch fire!" She snaps. Anger swells inside of me, as I watch Pittoo weakly try and fend of the remains of the Chaos Kin. My wings fluttered from the wind.

"The Chaos kin is going to destroy Pittoo! Don't you see what's at stake here, I don't care if my wings catch fire!" I yelled, my voice blowing in the never-ending dark chasm that lies below. "No way! Forget about it! I'm pulling you out!" Feeling myself being dragged away, leaving my brother alone to die. His expression is plastered in my mind. Not like this. "No Stop! If we don't help him right now, we won't have another chance! I'm begging you Viridi, let me fly, NOW!" I tried to block out the image of Pitto falling to his death.

But I couldn't.

His helpless expression as he plummets to the ground. Falling even deeper into the abyss...

She snarls, "Fine, but whatever happens to you isn't my fault!" I could feel my wings flutter alive. But they were quick to catch fire and scorch me, burning me alive. My back ached and throbbed as the heat from my burning wings threatened to overtake me as a whole. I screamed, my voice was rubbed raw... "Hang in there Pit, be strong!" I could barely hear Pittoo's plea for help, "Help... Me." 

My wings burned my tunic, scalding me. I could barely see, let alone try and angle myself to save him. This was now my chance, my only chance, and mine alone. I could hear Palutena's voice trying to call out to me.

"Pit... Don't be reckless! I don't want... lose... another... Please!" I couldn't make out what she said, but to be honest. I really didn't care, saving my brother's life was more important.

Each time I moved it felt like I was bathing in a Hot Spring of poisonous acid. Tears fell across my face, blurring my vision. We inched closer together, my cloak burning redder and redder, both of us were crawling in pain. I reached out my hand, we tried to connect, but nothing. We got so close, our fingertips grazing upon one another, but nothing. "No..." My mind replayed all the fun we had with Pittoo, all the laughs. My wings were shriveling up, slowly turning into nothing. It seemed like an eternity of just us falling to our impending doom.

I tried once more, hoping to any gods that they will give us a prayer of hope. He outstretched his hands for one last time, it worked, and our hands interlocked. "I'm getting you out of there." Viridi hisses. His expression was the most joyful that he had been in a while, I didn't know if it was me or Pitto, but we pulled each other for a hug. Pitto didn't care that I was burning alive.

 I felt his face, it was warm. His tunic was smoking, and the stench of smoke and fire burned my nose. My wings were still set aflame, we were scared. I gently grazed upon his still-feathered black wings. They were there. I grinned, he was going to be okay. My hands brush against his hair, the ebony tangled hair that I remembered all too well. He would be safe, that's all that matters. I embraced my brother again. All that happened now, it seemed like a lifetime, but it was a split second that it happened.

That was the last time I would see him for a long time. 

"Not so fast nature girl." My blood boiled, not that it was boiling to begin with. I couldn't breathe, it sent rage within in me.

"How cute Pitty-Pat, here let me help." Hades's unwelcome voice boomed in my head. Pittoo heard it to, his calm demeanor was replaced with intoxicating anger that even scorched me. Pulsating pain was pressured against me. We had to leave, now. "Viridi! Now!" 

She didn't hear me. How could she? Wind at our side screaming, the booming echo of the lord of the underworld practically screaming. I couldn't hear myself.

Hades appeared, in this god-form, towering over us, and my wings burned louder. He watched with idle amusement at us falling. His smile widened to a toothy grin as I feared the worst. He swung his massive hands, aiming it at us. I couldn't doge something like that, but I did know of one way. I pulled Pittoo closer, trying to call out to Palutena before it was too late. 

"P-Palutena! Teleport! Now!" Her voice was static but I could tell what she meant, "I can't... both... same time..." Hades's hand was getting closer. I felt me being pulled in first.

She would've saved me. She would've made Pitto die. Why did I feel a pain in my chest? Why did I burn brighter than the flames? Why would she have saved me first?

 I quickly shove Pittoo in front of me, causing him to curse at me, then teleport away from my demise. I was the one falling. Pittoo's warmth gone, I tried to readjust myself. Farther and farther into the abyss. "How sweet." Hades cooed.

He swung again, his God-size was impending. What else could I do? I tried to connect with Palutena, Viridi, or anything. Nothing. Before I could react, Hades swung his hand. It was a terrifying few seconds as I braced for impact.

Pain rocked through my body and my visioned whitened as I lost consciousness.

Kid Icarus Uprising: Two Sides of the Same coinWhere stories live. Discover now