The help of Dyntos

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The First Village was in his sight. Surrounded by lush wildlife. Lakes surround the town. Mountain traverse the sides. The town was still. At least in my perspective.

"I feel the presence of the Underworld's minions, stay sharp." Viridi's voice echoed through my crown. I glance around, nothing but the plains. If the Underworld army is here, then something is off. I took my time flying around the village, to try and find the so-called minions. "Viridi. There's nothing here." I kept on trying to see. "They should be there. Anyways, be sharp." I decided to just fly towards the village. If they want me, they will have to show themselves.

"By the way Viridi. You said Dyntos would help. But how?" The wind took him up, Rising me above the clouds, the mist welcoming me. I moved myself in a slow arc down. The pressure of the downward fall increased. I loved the sound. Once my wings opened up more, the wind took me up again. "He told me that he was making something that'll help in his favor."

"You sound hesitant." I finished. 

"Well. By helping us, he needs something in return." A memory of Pit explaining the horrors of Dyntos's 'trials' goes through my mind. "It better be something like 'save my robotic cat from a tree'. Did he say anything about the favor?" I scan the area once again, nothing.

"He said it relates to Pit's wings." 

"Wow, specific." I mumble. I feel his Raptor claws around my hands, testing them out. "You'll see. We're nearing the First Village." I could see it in sight. Looking at it in a clearer vision, nothing seemed to be off. It seemed different, maybe because I haven't been outside in awhile, but still. However, while looking, I couldn't see any people out there. "Pittoo... look behind you." her voice sounded pathetic. I turned, bursting out in a hopeless laughter. Now I know why. 

I swear to god it looked like a wave. A wave of minions. How could I not see it -see that- "Looks like the absence of Pit affected how they'd attack. Can you send some of your plant things to help?" I heard her scoff, "For the record, their not 'plant things', they're living breathing organisms that are made by the goddess of plants. I take beautiful care of them and they are happy." I frowned, "For the record I didn't ask about their love history, I asked if you can help me by sending some over." 

Viridi was silent.

"...fine." -she sighed- "But you have to fend this mass off for a few seconds, it'll take me a little time sending all of them over." I smiled, "Perfect, I needed something to hit for a few days. Tell me when your minions are over."

"They're not!-"

"They're minions  Viridi!" I interrupted. With that matter settled, I flew into the horde.

The mono-eyes (what's the plural for mono-eye? Oh well) greeted me. Maybe not like the thanksgiving greeting I wanted. They were easy to kill, but there. were. so. many. Hades went overkill. Which wasn't shocking now that I think about it.

Their attacks were weak as well, but with all of them, it was hard not to avoid it. "Pittoo, they're here." I turned, watching a swarm of plant things. Hades minions seem to focus more on Viridi's  than me. I took the time to warn the people down below.

The people were watching from below. "People please! Stay in your houses till it's safe!" I called. Some of them paid attention. They looked at me, then turned to face the minions. I growled, did Pit have this much trouble? I tried again, "People of the First Town! Please remain in your homes. It's safer!" No one could hear. 

"Everyone!" I called once again. That got some attention. They turned to look at me, I had to deal with what I got. "Please stay in your homes, we'll take care of this!" One of the women who heard me glared at me. I didn't look offended, but the hell I was.

"Everyone, Please go in your homes. The deities will not harm you!" A very gruff voice sounded. I looked to where it came from, "Magnus!" I flew over to him, he smiled. "Hey Angle-face. What the hell happened? I haven't heard anything from your brother."

Memories that I did not want to be stirred were stirred. My shoulders slumped for only a second. I thought it was best to tell him.

"Damn." He ended. I agreed, "We're trying to get him back. Any help?" He sighed, resting on a tree, "Not really. Sorry kid, I'm not too fond of gods and goddesses involving us humans in their wars. But I'll do what I can." I could understand what he meant by that. I looked back at the people. Some saw me... their expressions. Their looks. 

I bit back my anger, "Can you help gather up the people in their homes?" Magnus looked puzzled, "Won't it be easier if you did that?" I smiled pityingly, "They won't listen. Besides-" I glanced at the people watching, they backed in fear- "I'm the evil copy, and the reason their precious angel is gone."

I flew away before he could say anything else. All I heard from him after that is calling me 'Angel-face.' "Pittoo, I might need air-support. Hades masses are outnumbering mine." 

"Yeah headed your way." 

The battle between Viridi and Hades was differing (Not in the good way). If I had to decrease his numbers, I had to get into the heart of it all. I flew by quite a few of them They saw me and followed. "Pittoo! What are you doing!"

"Hey!" I called. All of them turned. Now I had to wait, They all charged, "Pittoo! Stop their are too many of them!"

I released my Special Attack. A barrage of attacks fell upon the millions of millions of mono-eyes (... still don't know the plural). Most of them were massacred, that allowed for Viridi's creatures to finish them off. 

That left my power canister empty. I heard my tired gasps. "Pittoo! Warn me when you are doing that!" Viridi yelled. I looked down, seeing that Magnus already helped the people below. A sickening jab hit me. I was just the copy.

I didn't mean anything to them. In retrospect, I am the reason their angel disappeared, maybe even dead. They don't want me. They would rather die than have me help them. "Wait. Pittoo where are you going! What about the Villagers?" I looked back to face them. 

"Sorry Viridi I'm zoning out..."

*Author's note- So sorry I am slow with update. Other personal things happened and just I am naturally slow. But I will definitely continue this book!! So help me god I will*

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