Chapter 14

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Rosie's POV

It's been 3 days since the boys left and I miss then like hell. I grumply get out of bed and walk into my bathroom, brushing my teeth and hair, and walking to my closet. I wear a white tee shirt, black jeans, and a black beanie. I leave my glasses on and straighten my hair.

Chelsie calls me down for breakfast. "Thank you." I say as she sets a yogurt with fresh fruit in front of me. I slyly take out my phone snapping a picture. I open Instagram and post the picture. I caption it jealous? and I tag the boys and Chelsie. 

"Hey, beautiful." I hear a voice that matches with Coles, and I feel his arms wrap around my waist. "Good morning, handsome." I smile pecking his cheek. I grab my book and close my locker. 

"Hey guys." I say to Ethan and Isaac. "Where Aubrey?" I ask Isaac. "She wasn't feeling to good." He explains, I nod. I check my phone to see a text from Aubrey saying she's sick. 

"Hey Cole." I hear a voice. I look over to see someone I've never seen before. "What is she doing back here?" Ethan asks. "I have no clue." Cole says. "Who is that?" I ask. "The school hoe, she went to Europe but I guess she came back." Isaac explains. "Why did she only say hi to you?" I ask Cole. "Don't worry about it, babe." He says putting my arm around me. That just made me 10 times more suspicious.

"I dread this class." I groan getting in my seat for the most boring lecture. "Good morning class." Our teach Mr. Clouse says. "Today we will discuss the aftermath of the Revolutionary War." He says. "Kill me." I say under my breath. "Mrs. Irwin? Would you like to repeat that?" Mr. Clouse says. "Oh, I said I'm so excited for this lecture." I say sarcasticly. 


"Hey I'm going to use the bathroom." I tell the boys. I get up from our lunch table and walk to the bathrooms. I hear a voice that sounds like Coles. I look over to see him pinned on the wall by Sara. I see her head moving. It took me a second to realize they were kissing.

My jaw dropped. Tears spilling out of my eyes. I just turn around a run away. 

Cole's POV

"Oh, hey Cole." I hear Sara's annoying flirty voice. "Oh, hi." I say putting my hand on my neck. "I miss you." She says getting closer. "I have a girlfriend, Sara." I say stepping back. "She won't know." She says still walking closer. My back hits the wall. "I-I can't." I say. Soon enough her lips are on mine, moving just the way they use to. I know this is wrong but I can't pull away. 

I finally get the ability to push her off. I see someone run away. Rosie. I run after her but I don't know where she went. 

Rosie's POV

I run into the bathroom. I call Chelsie. "Please pick me up, please!" I cry into the phone. "I'm on my way!" I hear in the mix of her rushing around grabbing the keys. 

I walk out of the bathroom after receiving a text from Chelsie that she is here. Who was the one person in the hall? Cole. I wipe my eyes while walking to avoid him. "Rosie!" He calls. I keep walking. "Rosie!" He grabs my wrist, turning me around. "I-" He starts. I look to the ground, holding back the tears. "Rosie," He puts his thumb on my chin, I can't resist that. "Look at me." He says. "I'm sorry, she came on to me." 

I scrunch my eyebrows. "I saw what I saw, you didn't try to push way, Cole I'm not stupid." I say holding back my emotional side, letting the anger out. "I-I." He stutters. "Stop, I'm done. Bye Cole." I say cutting him off. Not once yelling just angry speaking. 

As I walk to the car the tear slide down my face. "Rosie." Chelsie sighs hugging me. "What happened?" She asks. "Cole k-kissed someone e-else." I say sobbing. 

Was I not good enough? I ask myself. My brain wonders. He used me. He played me. Was I his rebound or someone to make his old "girlfriend" jealous. 

I look over to my phone. A FaceTime from Ashton. "Dad!" I cry answering immediately. "Rosie! We just got plane tickets, we are on our way to the airport." They were still in Australia so it wouldn't take long. "Rosie!" I hear Calum's, and Luke's, and Michael's voice. "Tell Cole when we get hear I'm beating his ass!" Calum says. 


I jump to the feeling of arms being wrapped around me. "Dad." I say looking to him. "Baby girl." He sighs. He picks me up, sitting himself on my bed, and setting me on him. I start to cry out in his arms as he plays with my hair. 

"Hey the boys want to see you." I hear. I look up to Ashton and nod. I walk downstairs. "Rosie." Calum says. "I said first hugs!" Calum yells out Michael because he tried to hug me. I laugh and hug Calum. "You never fail to make me laugh." I say in the hug. Then Michael holds me, then Luke which ended up cuddling the rest of the day.

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