The Truth Isn't Always What It Seems

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Henry's POV~

I was standing in front of my mirror at my room in the castle. I had a very dark red t-shirt on with blue jeans and converse. But I couldn't figure out which jacket. White denim, or black leather. I decided to go with black leather. As I slid the jacket over my shoulders I heard a knock at the door.

"Henry?" Adam called.

"Yeah?" I said as I opened the door. I saw and uneasy king next to Mal, Jay, and Carlos. They were their usual confident, but seemed like they actually wanted to be here. I ignored Beast and pulled the three of them in not knowing what to expect.

"What do you guys need?" I said, shutting the door in Adam's face.

"We um, might have, done somethi-" Jay started. Mal cut him off.

"We had this love potion cookie, and gave it to Ben, meaning for him to fall for me, but instead he fell for Evie. How do we reverse it?" Mal explained. I smirked.

"You wanted him to fall for you?" I asked Mal,  watching Carlos for his reaction. His slight frown deepened. I smiled.

"I knew it!" I yelled. They all jumped.

"Yes, ha. David owes me a $20. Carlos, this is gonna be awesome." I rushed out of the room and past Adam, realized they weren't following me, turned around and peeked into the room.

"You coming guys?"

Ben's POV~

I was laying on my bed resting trying to clear my head. Did I like Evie? But, I thought there'd been someone else. But I couldn't think of their name. Why not?

I was ripped out of my thoughts when I was lifted from my bed by my limbs. I looked around frantically to see Jay carrying both my legs, and Henry carrying both my arms and grinning. Jay was serious, as was Mal, and Carlos was- I couldn't tell. I opened my mouth to object but Mal stuffed something in my mouth so I couldn't speak. I tried to pull away from them but I couldn't So I went limp hoping I'd be too heavy. No luck.

Henry's POV~

We were carrying him in silence. The plan had already been explained. He was squirming like a fish out of water. It was kind of funny, I wish I'd thought to have Carlos video this.

~time skip~

We were almost there. We went down the path and through the gazebo. Ben had stopped struggling a while ago. I nodded at Jay and we started swinging him back and forth and threw him into the Enchanted Lake.

Ben's POV~


I hit the cold water and was under for a second before I tried to swim up. I couldn't seem to break the surface before my mind clouded.

Carlos's POV~

I stood by nervously as the seconds ticked by. I waited for Ben to break the surface. He didn't. 5 seconds. 10 seconds.

"Uhhhh, he's been under a while," Mal pointed out nervously. That was it. I took off my fur jacket and dove into the water.

Why'd he have to wear blue? I asked myself. I can't see him.

Then I hit something with my foot. I spun around and saw his hair floating.  I picked him up under his arms and somehow got us to shore before I remembered I couldn't swim. The humor was fleeting when I heard Ben cough. I looked down hoping he was okay.

Ben's POV~

I opened my eyes to see Carlos hovering over me. My mind filled with suppressed emotions. Carlos. Carlos! That was his name. Not Evie, to hell with her. I didn't know what happened but all I wanted to do was kiss him. I coughed and he looked down at me. I twisted out of his lap and put my hand on the side of his face and kissed him.

Henry's POV~

I grinned as I watched Ben kiss Carlos.

"Welp, it worked." I said. I looked away from them to see Mal's jaw dropped in shock. Jay shook his head as I looked at him.

"Ya think?" he said bluntly. I looked back to Ben before tapping him on the shoulder. He broke away from Carlos glaring at me.

"You, loverboy and loverboy two, have a turney game to get ready for."

~time skip~

I was at Mal and Evie's dorm after walking Carlos and Jay back to their dorm. I went to walk in and Mal blocked my way.

"Wait here," she said. I sighed and leaned against the door opposite their dorm.

Why do girls take forever to get ready? I asked myself.(seriously, if you have an answer, comment it, I don't understand)

I was pulled from my thoughts when the door behind me opened and I fell backwards. I hit the ground and shut my eyes for a second. When I opened them I saw Audrey. She smirked.

"If you wanted me you could've just asked," she said haughtily.

"Why, the fuck, would I want you?" I said as I got up. She pushed me back down with the heel of her stiletto. I fell and the air was knocked out of me. She followed through with a kick to the side of my head. I saw a flash of blue and then heard a slap before I let the darkness take over.

Evie's POV~

I opened the door expecting to see him waiting. Instead I saw the door across the hall open and Henry on the floor. He tried getting up as he said something I couldn't hear but Audrey kicked him twice. After the first one I quickly crossed the hall and slapped her straight across the face.

"Bitch leave him alone," I yelled at her. She whipped her head back around, her curls reminding me of Medusa's snakes.

"What did you say? Because I think you told me to leave him alone. Do you think he wants that? Or did you think he wanted you?" she said. I stood in stunned silence as all the doubt I'd pushed to the sidelines came sprinting to the field.

"That he'd want some dirty girl from the Isle claiming to be a princess?" she scoffed. "You, a princess." she laughed. "How could you even think he'd want an ugly, dirty, fake princess from the Isle?" She looked at me as tears filled my eyes. I looked down at the beautiful unconscious prince below me and let one fall before I rushed back to my dorm and past a shocked Mal. Only one thought filled my mind on repeat.

She's right.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2016 ⏰

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