Newt carefully follows the trail Evelyn and Jacob watch from a distance as he approaches the shop window. Newt's Niffler is standing in the window of the shop attempting to trick Newt into thinking he's a jewellery holder. It almost works as Newt passes him, until he slowly walks back again staring at the Niffler with a look of amusement.

Having been caught the mischievous Niffler breaks off into a run as Newt mutters "Finestra" climbing through the now open window after it. 

Newt frantically opens draws jumps onto tables knocking over various diamond necklaces as the Niffler scurries about.

It crawls over Newt's head and along the shelves trying it's best to not get caught.

Evelyn and Jacob watch in shock at the commotion.

Newt jumps hard onto a desk trying to reach the Niffler who's now balancing on a chandelier, but as he reaches out he trips and soon they're both hanging from it.

Jacob nervously checks the streets worried over anyone will see what's going.

They both continue to watch the scene play out, as the chandelier crashes to floor sending Newt and the Niffler against a set of shelves before it falls over crashing on the window, a slight crack appears from the impact.

Jacob nervously sorts out the clasp on the Newt's case which has sprung open with a roar accompanied by it, whilst Evelyn walks over to Newt and the Niffler.

Then all of a sudden the crack begins to spread and split across the window and before Evelyn has a chance to move Newt crashes down falling on top of her as shards of glass shower down on them cutting the side of her forehead.

Newt who is in a pursuit of catching the Niffler stands up running after it shouting, 


Evelyn stays on the ground her head throbbing, whilst the Niffler swings round a pole dramatically and gets stuck in a window that Newt has turned to jelly.

Newt pulls the Niffler from the window thankful to have him in his hands again, before he can speak however, he puts him in the inside of his coat hastily at the sound of police sirens approaching. 

 "One down two to go" He mutters as a police car pulls up. 

Policeman run out holding their guns up at Newt and Jacob who have bits of jewellery hanging off various parts of there clothes. 

"They went that way officer" Jacob attempts to save themselves rather hilariously.

"Hands up!" The officer shouts.

The policemen confusingly look at the Niffler who has now poked his head out of Newt's coat.

 "What the hell is that?" one of them demands but Newt gently pushes him back in his coat.

Jacob however, looks terrified for to the side of them a lion stands on the street slowly stepping towards them.

 "Lion.." He whispers frightened as the police officers look over at the lion, terrified and shocked as they grip their guns tighter in their hands.

"You know New York is turning out to be considerably more interesting than I thought" Newt smiles widely before reaching down grabbing Evelyn up by her hand and hastily rushing off.

They arrive in Central Park the police sirens can still be heard in the distance as Jacob sits down on a nearby bench calming himself down. Newt looks at Evelyn a worried look crosses his face as he see's the cut on the side of her forehead.

He puts the Niffler into the case before clasping it shut. He reaches up and and dabs away at the cut on her face with his sleeve.

"I'm ever so sorry, I feel terrible it's just that bloody Niffler he-" Newt begins to apologise but Evelyn interrupts a smile on her face.

"It's okay, it was rather entertaining to watch"

 Newt looks relieved that she's not annoyed as he lightly continues to dab the cut.

He then looks at her, properly looks at her, it's a look that makes Evelyn's face heat up with a slight blush.

He leans towards her ever so slightly, she can feel the warmth of his breath against her face causing her cheeks to heat up even more. Newt lightly presses his soft lips to the cut as Evelyn closes her eyes enduring the sweet moment.


Hehe what a good way to end the chapter ey? I'm sorry it's a bad chapter i'm ever so tired, i hope you guys still liked it? Also thank you all for the 10k reads ahhh. You guys are the best :) let me know below in the comments what you thought hehe. Byesie bye -C xx

Desire [Newt Scamander]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن