Chapter Twelve

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The next morning I wake up with a splitting headache, bleary eyes, a sore throat and a tear-stained face. I can hardly bring myself to look at my own reflection and stumble out of bed to get myself a glass of cold water. I glance warily at my phone as I walk by it on the counter, it's still where I left it last night and I can't help but wonder if I've received any more messages.

From him.

I didn't read any of them last night and I chose to ignore every single one of his calls after he left. His persistence infuriated me to the point that I turned my phone off and went to bed. It took me hours to fall asleep and that's why I feel so groggy and lifeless this morning. I gulp down my water, appreciating the cool liquid as it glides down my throat, soothing the rawness of my throat.

The urge I have to check my phone is unbelievable. It's enticing me, begging me to switch it back on. I even turn my back on it, hoping that once it's out of sight it will leave my mind. It doesn't. I'm reaching for my phone before I can exert any more control over myself, ignoring the butterflies in my stomach as I turn it back on.

I'm bombarded by missed calls and unread messages whilst waiting for it to load up. Two of them are from Jason but the rest are all from Zack. I quickly scan through some of his texts, refusing to acknowledge the gratitude I feel knowing that he didn't forget all about me as soon as he left.

Zack: Samantha, I'm so, so, so sorry I had to leave like that. You know I didn't want to and I would have given anything to spend the entire night with you. I've just dropped Rachel home, she was a little tipsy so I'm glad I didn't ask her to get a taxi home by herself. If you're still awake... please text me. I need to know you're ok.

Zack: Ok, I don't know if you're asleep or if you're just choosing to ignore me. Your phone keeps ringing so I know you haven't switched it off yet. Please don't be mad at me, Sam. You know I didn't want to leave you, it tore me apart to see you so sad before I left. Tell me how I can make this right. I'll do anything.

Zack: Don't do this to me. I'm so tempted to come round there and check on you, I can't bear the thought of you being by yourself. I can't even sleep because I know the second I close my eyes you're going to be there, just like you always are.

Zack: Ok, I'm going to call you one more time. If you're phone is switched off then I know you're alright and just don't want to speak to me right now. I'm going to hate that decision but I will respect it. I'll try calling you again in a few minutes. Zack xxx

I check the time he sent that final message and realise I did in fact turn my phone off just three minutes later. He must have thought I did it on purpose and decided to keep his promise by leaving me alone after that. He will have no idea that I didn't actually read any of his messages last night.

A startling and sudden knock on the door makes me jump, yanking me out of my deep contemplation. I consider ignoring it and going back to bed but Jason's voice ordering me to let him in forces me to change my mind. I really don't have a choice. There's no way my best friend is going to give up and leave me alone, especially after I ditched him last night to go home with Zack.

I really don't care what I look like but I know Jason will be able to see right through my false smiles and reassurances. I wish I had enough time to drag a brush through my hair and wash my face, unfortunately I know my friend and his persistence knows no limits. The best thing I can do right now is speak to him and get this confrontation over with. I unlatch the door and open it for him, certain he's going to barge right by me anyway.

"We need to talk." He says gruffly, stalking past me into the living room.

"O...kay." I say uncertainly, instantly filled with dread.

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