Chapter Eight

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She agreed. She actually agreed. She said yes. She chose a time and a place for it to happen and I have every intention of making sure she goes through with it. This past week has been absolute hell for me. I've barely slept and when I do, all I dreamt of was her.

Hiding the jar of coffee so Rachel would have to leave the house to buy another was really low. I could hardly believe I went to such depths just to steal a moment alone with Samantha. I knew Rachel was having Sam over for the weekend and I also knew I had to see her whilst she was there. Rachel was in the kitchen when I first walked in and made some lame ass excuse about the reason I stopped by. She told me Samantha was upstairs taking a bath and that's when I reached into the cupboard and grabbed the jar of coffee whilst she wasn't looking.

"I could have sworn I had some coffee left." She told me, rummaging through everything in an attempt to find some.

"You could nip out to the shop and get some?" I suggested, despising the words coming out of my mouth.

"I suppose I could. I'm going to have to get it sooner or later." She grabbed her jacket off the back of the kitchen door, placing a delicate kiss on my lips before she left.

"Exactly. I'll stay here and let Sam know where you are when she comes down."

"Thanks, baby. I won't be long."

I only managed to wait sixty seconds after Rachel left before going upstairs in search of Sam. I had no idea what I was going to say to her, all I knew was I had  to speak to her. I hadn't heard anything from her in seven days and I knew if I didn't take this opportunity to speak with her, it could be another week until I saw her again. I knew I wouldn't be able to handle that and that's why my desperation won out in the end.

I didn't know what room she was in but eventually found her in Rachel's. When I first saw her she was standing by the open doors that lead out onto the balcony, simply staring out at the view before her. God, I remember the exquisite sight of her wearing only a towel. Her hair was dripping wet and her whole body was trembling because of the cool breeze off the torrential rain outside. I continued to observe her for several seconds before I remembered that I didn't have much time, Rachel would be back any second so I had to make this quick.

"Feeling hot?" I asked her, wishing I could take the words back as soon as I had spoken them. I don't know what possessed me to say such a thing, instantly regretting how forthright and cringe worthy my comment had been.

She whirled around to face me, clearly astonished by the fact that I was standing in the doorway watching her. She opened her mouth to say something, her whole body quivering with shock and... arousal?

She gave me a hard time about walking in on her and not getting in touch with all week. I did try and explain why I'd chosen to give her some time, hoping my silence would provide her with the space she needed. I knew if I continued to reach out to her it would only make Sam run off in the opposite direction and that's the last thing I wanted. I never thought my silence would solidify her belief that I was no longer interested in her or the proposal I'd approached her with.

I honestly do not know how I managed to control myself in that bedroom with her. She was dripping wet, naked underneath her towel and practically begging me to kiss her. Her face was flushed, her heart was beating erratically and her breasts were rising and falling with each breath. Jesus, I wanted her so badly. I wanted nothing more than to throw her down on the bed and bury myself deep inside her. I didn't seem to care about the possibility of being caught, I didn't care about anything but satisfying my own carnal lust.

I swear I came so close to actually taking her on the bed. She almost surrendered, so close to giving into me and her desires. Her willpower was slipping, I know she wants me just as much as I want her and I recognise that my greatest achievement in that bedroom was getting her to admit that.

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