Chapter Six

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I don't know what to do with myself when I get back to my apartment. I can't sit still, I can't focus on anything and I can't relax. I place my phone in the centre of the room on the coffee table, trying to resist the increasing urge I have to check it every five seconds. I seriously consider leaving my apartment altogether, that way I won't even be here if Zack does decide to turn up unannounced when he can't get in touch with me.

I get my coat and head for the door, pausing when I have it half open. If I run away now it will only mean I'll have to deal with this later. There's no way Zack's going to let me get away with avoiding him. He was pretty confident when I spoke to him about not allowing me to wriggle out of this. He's determined and I know how impossible it would be for me to avoid him forever.

If I stay and face this head on, we might have a chance of moving past this. He can say whatever he wants to say to me and I'll let him. After tonight we'll go our separate ways and I doubt we'll ever have a private conversation together ever again. I'll be polite but evasive, I'll never allow myself to be alone with him, we can be polite but that's as far as it will go. There'll be no more fantasising about him and no more jealousy, I'll be happy for him and Rachel and give their marriage my blessing, I'll move forward and look back on tonight and laugh. I'll laugh at how ridiculous I made things and never think about it again. Never.

I tell myself all of this, I repeat it over and over again inside my head but I don't think I really believe any of it. It feels like I've been waiting for hours when it's really only been thirty minutes or so. I start to think he's changed his mind, decided not to call and stayed with Rachel. I convince myself of this for a further thirty minutes until I remember him saying it would be at least a couple of hours until he could get away.

Unable to sit still for a moment longer, I make my way into the kitchen and put the kettle on. I'll try and sit down in front of the TV, hoping to distract myself until he contacts me. I end up choosing to watch one of my favourite movies of all time and curl up on the sofa with my hot drink and 'The Breakfast Club.'

I'm half an hour into the movie when my phone starts to vibrate on the wooden surface of the table in front of me. My screen lights up, letting me know I've received a brand new message. My hands are shaking as I reach for it, closing my eyes before opening them to read the words on my phone's screen.

Zack: I've just got back home with my parents. I'll be there in five minutes and I'll let you know when I'm outside.

I don't know how I should respond so decide to say nothing. He'll be on his way over by now anyway. I grab my coat, pulling it before I sit back down on the sofa and wait for him. I'm so glad I told him I wanted him to pick me up, there's no way I could have him come into my apartment, I'd be far too nervous and unsure of myself. My phone starts to vibrate again in my hand.

He's calling me.

"H-hello?" I stammer nervously.

"Samantha, I'm outside. You still want to come out here or can I come inside?" He asks, his strong, masculine voice sounding even deeper over the phone.

"No! I'll come out. I'll be there in a second." I tell him hastily, fumbling with the keys in my hand.

"Ok." He replies solemnly before hanging up the phone.

I take a deep breath in and rake my fingers through my unruly hair. This is it. This is really it. I spot his sleek car as soon as I step out of the apartment complex. He's leaning against his side of the car, stroking his thumb over his bottom lip as though he's deep in thought. I nervously step closer towards him, wanting to observe him for a few moments longer before he sees me. However, he must notice me in his peripheral vision and he glances up, exhaling loudly when he spots me.

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