Chapter Three

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"So how are you really ?" Rachel asks, glancing over at me across the table in the small coffee shop we're seated in.

"I'm ok."

I know I sound ambiguous but I'm just not used to discussing my personal life with Rachel. She's been away for so long, there's a lot she's missed out on and a lot she doesn't know.

"Tell me the truth, Samantha." Her eyes implore me to be honest with her and I sigh resignedly. I suppose it can't hurt to open up to her a little bit.

"I'm taking it day by day, you know? Some days are better than others." I say truthfully.

"And what about today? Is it a good day so far?" She inquires, dabbing the corner of her mouth with her napkin.

We've just finished eating lunch. I didn't really fancy anything but my sister convinced me to have something, even though she only ordered a salad for herself. I suppose she's grown used to taking care of her figure, being an actress means you've got to be comfortable under a spotlight.

"Definitely a good one." I grin at her and watch her face light up.

It's invariably easy to fool Rachel, she believes everything I say and that's why it really isn't too hard for me to convince her that I'm really ok.

Rachel phoned me early on this morning and asked if it would be alright for her to meet me in town instead of picking me up. At the time I didn't know why she made that suggestion but didn't mind at all. We arranged to meet outside Starbucks in town and then went onto check out a couple of bridal boutiques. She tried on a couple of dresses but nothing caught her eye and we eventually decided to call it a day and have some lunch.

It was after we placed our order that Rachel told me the reason she couldn't pick me up this morning. Zack never stayed at over at my mum's house with Rachel last night and therefore she didn't have any means of transport to pick me up this morning. Zack had already made plans for today and was catching up with some of his old friends. Rachel explained that she didn't want to ask him to rearrange anything and I told her I completely understood.

"So why didn't Zack stay at mum's with you last night?" I asked her whilst we were waiting for our food to arrive.

"He was exhausted and I think he just wanted to spend the night in his own bed, in his old room." She said it like it was no big deal but I could tell that his decision bothered her.

"You didn't want to go with him?" I asked, glancing down at the menu.

We'd already placed our order so I don't know why I did it. I guess I just didn't want her to think that I was being too nosy. She'd only clam up if I made out like it was strange for him to want to spend the night apart from her and I wanted Rachel to be honest with me.

"I haven't met his folks yet so it wasn't ideal for me to stay over. The four of us are going out for a meal tonight though and I'm already so nervous! What if they don't like me?" She wailed, clutching her chest as though she was about to hyperventilate.

"Rachel, they're going to love you. You're the most perfect daughter-in-law material, what more could they ask for?"

"I suppose so." She nodded her head in acceptance of my reasoning.

I was only speaking the truth. Rachel is perfect and everyone I know feels the same way. I realise that Zack must think so as well or he wouldn't be marrying her, right? I gently shook my head, wanting to rid myself of any thoughts of him whatsoever. I'd had a restless night and it was a struggle for me to fall asleep, when it finally happened I only dreamt of him.

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