flying squirrel

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"you used to adore me, laughed at all of my jokes," or, jokes galore.



"alright, what do you call an alligator in a vest?" i asked with a wide grin.

"if you finish your punchline i swear to god i will—"

"an investigator!" i yelled, laughing after.

lukas face palmed, while i had started another joke.

"okay, okay. which days of the week are the strongest?" i asked, ready to add the punchline.

lukas sighed, "which days?"

"saturday and sunday, the rest are," i paused, saying the next line with emphasis, "WEEKdays."

lukas cracked a smile, letting out a chuckle, "okay, that was good."

"you know what else is good? something that flies over the bay," i stated, looking at lukas.

"okay fine, let's go get bagels."

"here listen to this— what kind of squirrel flies?" lukas asked.


"a flying squirrel."


okay this one sucked but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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