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                  Mark's POV
Months later
     "Where are we going, Mark?"
     "Not far."
     "How far is 'not far'?"
     "You'll see. Here, put this on." Mark snapped his fingers and a bandana appeared in the air. Jack gasped in surprised, but took the bandana and tied it around his eyes. Mark then opened a portal with a swirling cloud of light and coaxed Jack through it with his voice, being unable to touch him. Mark heard Jack gasp as he felt the change in temperature and the cold against his skin.
      "Ok, Jack that's good. Really good. Now go ahead and sit down right where you are. Yep, yeah you're fine. Now take off the blindfold." Jack gasped for the third time as he finally realized where they were. It was dark outside, but the lights of the city illuminated everything.
     "Mark... are we..."
     "Jack, welcome to the Eiffel Tower." They were standing on the top of the Eiffel Tower, they were higher than anyone was even allowed to go and they had a gorgeous view of all of Paris.
     Mark snapped his fingers again and a picnic basket appeared, full of Jack's favorite foods, including cake and-
     "Cookies!", Jack shouted. Mark chuckled and nodded. "All of your favorites."
     Mark sat down next to Jack and let out his wings, sighing with pleasure as the wind ruffled through the feathers. He loved these wings more than anything. Except for Jack. He loved Jack. Jack immediately went trough the basket and took one of everything. He started munching and talking to Mark. But while Mark was listening, he felt a strange tingling feeling all over his body. At first he was confused, but then, he understood what had happened, even though he was given no explanation.
The blue-eyed man turned to look at Mark. "Yes Mark?"
Mark leaned forward, closing the distance between them, and kissed Jack on the lips, softly, but surely.
"Mark... you, you can touch me."
Mark grinned and nodded. "I can, Jack. I really can."
Jack laughed, his voice full of pure joy, as he wrapped his arms around Mark's neck and tackled him, kissing all over his face. Mark laughed and smiled the whole way through.
     "Wait, if I can touch you, Mark... can I..."
    Mark nodded and spread out his wings full span for Jack to see. He gasped in awe and slowly reached out his hand. Once they hit the feathers, Jack smiled and laughed breathlessly. He continued to stroke the wing as Mark smiled. To rile jack up a little, he moved the wings back and forth. Jack continued to stare.
     "Mark... they're absolutely beautiful. They're stunning. I love them."  Seriously though. How beautiful would that be? I would love to feel angel's wings in my hands. Oh my gosh it'd be glorious. "I'm really lucky, aren't I Jack?"
     Jack nodded. He laid his head on Mark's chest where he stroked his green hair. Mark felt Jack's breathing slow down and steady itself and Mark realized he was asleep. He shivered and Mark brought his wings around Jack to keep him warm. Mark kissed Jack on the forehead and continued to play around with his hair. After sitting outside for a while longer, Mark picked up Jack and and carried him back to his home. He laid him in his bed. Mark willed a cloud to come into the room and Mark used his hands to shape it into a chair, where he leaned back and sighed. Jack was so peaceful when he was asleep. He was so beautiful. It had already been three months since they were together, but it had been a hard three months because he hadn't been able to touch Jack. But now that he could, he couldn't have been happier. And Jack hadn't tried to hurt himself once since he had come. But soon enough, that year would be over, and Mark would have to go back. It broke his heart, but he couldn't show that emotion in front of Jack, so he continued to stay happy. Which he would always do.

Hello beautiful friends!!! Thanks so much for reading this story I know it was short and I'm sorry. But I hope you liked it!! Have a great day!!!! I love you.

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