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                  Mark's POV
              After Mark died
DISCLAIMER: Everyone that I relate to heaven and God and excetera are not to offend anyone and is not based on a religion. It's all completely for the purpose of the story. I have different beliefs so this is just for you all to know. Thanks so much and I hope you like it!!! *giant hugs* I love you all so much and thanks for reading my story. -Kyra

Mark looked around and was surrounded by a bright light. Mark looked down and saw that there was no knife wound. He was also wearing all white. Mark couldn't believe it. Heaven was real. He was in heaven. While Jack was... Mark held back tears. Jack was safe and that's all he cared about. Mark turned and saw a man in a white robe looking at Mark.
"Mark Fishbach."
"Are you...?"
"I am."
     Mark couldn't believe it. He was standing face-to-face with GOD. "Listen", he continued. "I have a special job for you. You're going to back to earth."
"I am?" Mark couldn't helped but grin, even though he was beyond confused.
"You're needed there. But you won't be back as a person. You're going back as a guardian angel. You're going to be watching over Sean McLoughlin.
"I'm going to see Jack?"
"You are. He's in trouble Mark. He's been, well... just look at him right now." Mark saw a swirl of light and suddenly Jack was in front of him. He was in the kitchen. He had tears in his eyes but he looked angry.  He walked over to drawer and immediately pulled out a knife. Mark put a hand over his mouth and watched in horror as Jack brought the knife down and slit his wrist.
     "Jack..." Mark turned back to God. "What.... why did he do that?"
     "Because of you, Mark. He misses you. He feels that your death was his fault. Now he has depression and can't find the proper help. He needs your help Mark. You're going to be his angel and make sure he doesn't hurt himself again. But before you go, you're going to need these."
Mark looked in amazement as two wings magically appeared on his back. You'll be there on earth with him for a year. Are you up to this?"
Mark nodded. Before he knew it, he was back in Jack's apartment. He saw Jack on the floor. He was covered in sweat and he looked like he just had a nightmare. He had a bandaid on his arm. Mark realized it was covering the slit on his wrist.
     Jack shook his head but didn't turn around.
"Jack..." Jack turned around and rubbed his eyes. He stared at Mark in disbelief.
"Mark?" Jack had tears in his eyes, as did Mark. He couldn't believe it. He was with Jack again. Jack suddenly ran to Mark and hugged him. But his arms went right through Mark. Jack looked up in disbelief and looked like he was going to cry. More.
"Jack, I'm sorry. If someone touches me, I can't go back to heaven. I'm sorry Jack."
"It's ok Mark. But... I don't... what are you doing here?"
"I was sent here by God to be your guardian angel." With that, Mark made his wings visible and flew in the air a small bit.
"Mark, y-you have wings!"
"Umm duh. I get to spend the whole year with you Jack!"
     Jack smiled as he now had happy tears falling down his face.
     "Jack, don't cry Jack. Please don't cry. It's going to be ok"
     "I'm just so happy to see you,
Mark. I mean... you're here. You're actually here!"
     "I am Jack. I really am." After thinking for a little bit, Mark remembered what he had seen in heaven beforehand.
     "Yes, Markimoo?"
     "Why... why did you do that?", he asked, pointing the bandaid on his wrist. Jack immediately went to cover the bandaid. He looked down at the floor, ashamed.
     "Mark... I couldn't live with myself after you died. I got depression and Felix and Ken and the others found out and sent me to therapy. But that only made it worse. I tried to cut myself every day, but I couldn't do it. I could only see how disappointed you would be with me. But today was different. I couldn't handle it anymore. But then you came. Mark... I'm so sorry."
     Mark wanted more than anything to comfort Jack. But how could he if he couldn't even hold his hand? Or bring his body close, and kiss those soft lips? He would have to find a way. He'd figure something out. He had to. After all, he was a guardian angel.

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