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    Jack immediately knew that he was dreaming. For one thing, he was standing alone, surrounded by blackness. Jack realized in the moment that he wasn't afraid; only confused. But, he also realized that he wasn't alone after all.
     A figure appeared from the darkness and smiled at Jack. He drew back and gasped, for now he was afraid.
     'He looks just like me', Jack realized. 'But, EVIL'
     For indeed, he really was just like Sean. His hair was the same brown with green on top, and he had all the same features, but he was different too. He had black screw in his ears, which Sean had decided to take out a long time ago, although he still had the holes. He also had longer and sharper nails and teeth. But what scared him the most, was his eyes. They were solid black. Like a pit. Like death.
     "Hello there, Jackaboy", the imposter said. His voice was the same too, but also demented in a dark way like everything else. "How's your trip to the hospital been treating ya?"
     Jack was at a loss for words. He didn't know what to say. But wait, even though this was a dream, how would he know he was here? At the hospital?
     "You did this to me, didn't you?", he tried to ask without sounding too angry.
     "Me? No. that was all sweet little Darky."
"Let me explain, I'm Anti." He held out his hand.
Jack couldn't believe this. "But, I just made you up. A stupid idea in my head. You weren't ever real. How do I even know that you're real and that this isn't part of my dream?"
"Well, think about it. How did you come up with me anyways?"
"I just suddenly thought of it in my he-" Jack stopped. "You. You put that idea in my head."
Anti slowly nodded his head and smirked. "Guilty as charged."
"Wait, but that means that Darkiplier is real too."
"Wow, you catch on fast", Anti retorted sarcastically. "Good for you.
     "Why are you here? What do you want?"
     "Oh, nothing much. I just have something to show you", Anti said, grinning devilishly. Jack was very afraid of that grin. It was one he'd seen too many times before.
     "Oh, Maaaaaark", Anti called.
     Mark then walked out and stood next to Anti. And not Darkiplier, but Mark. He looked so real. But there was something else. He looked lost. Depressed. Sad.
     "Oh, I wouldn't try that", Anti chuckled. "He can't hear you."
      "And why not?", Jack challenged.
       "Well you know how you got shot and you're in the hospital."
     "Duh", snapped Jack. "Get to the point."
     "Well, because of that, Mark is extremely afraid. Afraid that you'll die. And fear makes people weak. So, he's weak enough that we can take him out. And now we need to weaken you as well. And once both of you are weak enough. We're going to kill you. For good."
                  Mark's POV
     Mark woke up and saw Jack still asleep. But as he studied him closer, he suddenly saw that Jack's pulse was speeding up. Very rapidly. And he was sweating and looked really scared, even unconscious. Mark didn't know what was going on but he yelled for the doctor because he knew it wasn't good.
                Jack's POV
         "And how are you going to do that? Kill us? You're a part of us. We made you. You can't kill us."
      "Come now, Sean. We both know that's not true." Then he started laughing. It was deep and throaty. It was crazy. He was crazy. He was maniacal. He laughed and laughed for the longest time. And all at once, he stopped. Then he reached into his pocket, grabbed a knife, and stabbed Mark. Right in the gut.
     Mark fell to the floor. This time, Jack was the one who screamed. He ran towards Mark but he never got any closer. He kept running and running, screaming and crying. But he never got any closer.
     Anti laughed and ripped the knife out of Mark's chest. And with a sickening grin, licked the blood off of the blade.
     "You have one month. Then we're coming for you, jacksepticeye."
                 Mark's POV
     Mark opened his mouth to call for the doctor when suddenly Jack started shaking and jerking in a way such as a seizure. It was horrifying to watch. Mark started yelling as loud as possible for the doctors. Sean suddenly sat up, screaming. He was drenched in sweat and tears. Mark stopped yelling and immediately wrapped his arms around him tightly.
     "M-m-m.... Mark."
     "Shh. Be quiet Sean. It's ok. You're going to be fine."
     "No, Mark. You don't understa-"
     "Shh. It's ok Sean. Lay back down." Mark kissed him on his forehead. "You're going to be fine."
     The doctors rushed in and Mark explained what happened, all the while comforting Jack and stroking his hair. Jack took his hand and intertwined it in Mark's. The doctors took some tests and said it was just some trauma and that he would be ok. The doctors left and Jack sat silent in Mark's arm. Anti's words still echoing in his mind.
     You have one month. Then we're coming for you...

My Boyfriend From Heaven- Septiplierजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें